
Showing posts from 2011

Girl's talk

Girls. Am I still one? I'm a grown woman now. lol. but there's no such thing as woman talk, but there could be mum's talk. I'll do that when I'm one. hehe. So, there is this Girls talk I had, and seriously I found out that confronting can be comforting. Seriously, when I wanted to talk, I will find someone whom I trust, comforting and can listen very well. Friends are the best gift in the world. Dont hurt them, dont lose them and importantly dont forget their birthdays!!! lol. jk. I love making my friends happy, but it's hard to sometimes not to hurt them coz i have a bad mouth, lol, i will try hard tho. To all myfriends, I LOVE U GUYS, I'm really3x sorry if I hurt all of u, I didnt meant to, it really3x wasnt my intention. =) FRIENDS FOREVER!!!!

Emotional eating! ahahah

Damn it.... i am a true emotional eater...... cant help it not to eat..... i dunno.... iam just a pathetic girl, who tried to lose weigth and always failed....hoho... here's are some of my motivations Shape up Many people find themselves stuck on the weight-loss carousel. These people have been going around in circles on different diets and weight-loss programmes before returning to the same spot, losing time, energy, finances and their belief in exercise. You may be one of them. Very often all it takes is one look at a client's food diary and it soon becomes apparent where improvements can be made. The stumbling block to achieving the success you crave is simply that you don't care about it enough. People who care take action, and their video matches their audio. You cannot look great naked without changing your eating patterns or doing exercise. George Bernard Shaw said: "Doing what needs to be done may not make you happy, but it will make you great." Commitment

I appreciate food!!!

I dont know whether this is a good thing or not.. i presume it is. lol so, I recently discover that my passion towards food, like preparing them, admiring the taste and also enjoying the moment while eating it has improved since I have been start detoxing myself for about a week. not fully but kinda partially. I felt that, whenever I ate any kind of food be it coffee, wheat cracker, or piece of scone, it feels like the taste are extrapolate inside my tounge. i dont really confirm that any of this true, or it is juz my appetite during winter has gone up or am i fantasizing things. but, sincerely, this is how I feel. I am really happy that I can enjoy food and still lead a healthy lifestyle. Feeling guilty once or twice is normal. But when it comes to the sense where you consistently feeling guilty after having a meal, u should recheck what is going on with yourself! lastly, take care during this winter season. Be cautious and avoid accident. lol. this is a reminder to myself actually. h


true!! A friend with a repetitive stocks of jokes! but still, they are just ever green! it's like, the joke never fades. cool huh. me no joker. juz crazy i think. and not in a good way. lol. and the most pathetic thing is that i also laugh at my own joke. damn pathetic. lol. yeah sometimes i use to be a laughing stock as well coz of my stupidity, ignorance or even craziness. but most of the time it is stupidity that allow others to make fun of me. laughing release endorphins too. the happy hormone. what makes me happy are the things that doesnt makes me sad. as easy as that. keeping everything non-stressful in't hard. compose and firm and dont let yourself fall. be Happy!!!!!!

i dont do routine

coz they r the dumbest thing ever! never really had a real routine which i stick to! not even time to wake up or even brushing teeth! lol, m sooooo disgusting! no one can really stand me. i mean like no one should. m really not being hard on myself. coz i never was. i am being too lenient. that's my biggest problem of all. let's turn lenient to being hard! first thing first! instead of being excited about getting up anytime i pleasure, i should just stick yo getting up early always! stop putting signs or telling ppl u r studying daily to feel good abt yourself but instead just do it!!!!! quit eating healthy just for the sake of diet or healthy lifestyle as a statement and start to control my eating habit! it is not worth it to spend every single penny on every clothes u like, and starts saving it all up for future investment! I AM NOT GONNA LIVE ONLY FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS! times that to 10 or more! lol hey!!!!! stop being mean to myself. hehehehe. m kidding. it's my post b

My current healthy lifestye!

I incorporate several aspect of life which I already learn through reading articles in the net! very helpful and variety! So I would like to share my new way of dealing with my health!!! In short, it sounds like this, Eat healthily, Exercise frequently, Study consistently, Spend wisely! Eating wise; - I intermittently fast, the usual is twice a week, or min one - I use the calorie restriction diet to reach a certain limit of weight. - I count my calorie intake - I weigh myself daily, I cant get off the scale, my fav spot, lol - my meals would involve, 50-60% vege most of the time coz it is low in calorie - I normally have equal amount of carbs, protein and fruit in my meals. - Fat is only from meat or olive oil - I take supplements for calcium coz i dont drink milk - I prepared my food before hand such as, cutting vege, boiled pasta, and boiled the potatoes - no sweets, junks, cakes and pastries, ice cream, cookies, biscuits, chips!!!everything is my fav lol!!! Exercise wise - I have m

Dont give up!

Be consistent! REMEMBER all these and I 'll get back on track! The money I spent on: healthy foods supplements xbox kinect games and not to forget small clothes The effort and time I put on to go to gym to dance to do jillian's workout to fast and also PREPARE THE HEALTHY MEALS!!!! Lastly, the people who involves direct or indirectly encouraged me along the course!!! This is a reminder for my stupidity! My rule is: If something goes wrong, let say, if m sick, feeling down, tired or feels like eating unhealthily, I can only let it away not more than FIVE DAYS!!!! and then get back on track with regular healthy lifestyle!!!!! weee wit!!lol

Things m gonna miss in Eire

the cold weather the strong wind LUAS ride free Luas ride speaking english with classmates the short days during winter for me to fast... lol I can wear absolutely anything with no one judging wearing winter clothes the snow going on holidays walking on street without sweating m gonna come out with something else later.. lol

I google stuff when I feel guilty!

ok here goes... I love doing research about things that was bothering my mind. especially when it is related to health, finance and also love. this time I'm gonna tell abt a thing I recently googled about big appetite and myself. It is a huge surprise when I found out that one of it shows that when u hv a big appetite, it means that u ready to get pregnant. it is true for my mom when she was getting pregnnant with my first sister. so, i think i should get married soon, so this appetite of mine can soon be gone!!!! lol another interesting fact is abt not feeling guilty abt having this big apetite. what a relief. lol. lemme share u both site site 1 . weird site 2 . relief. haha

save your money Hazwani Ismail!!!

i neeed to saving up fast!!!! here is my long to do list which involve alot of money!!!!! -travel to the USA -graduation saving up, travel with mummy, tho mummy is so rich, need to blnje her as well... - do not take advantage on ppl's money!!! - ok i'll think abt something else later, the important thing is save up!!!!! lol!

Impress other ppl!!!

Well, as the topic shows!!!! I am the person who is trying sooo hard to impress other ppl. And seriously, no sweat at all! and at least if i didnt turn up well in impressing, I dont go all sad or disappointed, maybe a lil, but honestly, I feel good abt it.And it has also been my resolution that I wanted to make everyone around me happy and create smiles in all of the beautiful faces ard me. I do somehow feel proud, and which it's not a good thing, but I'm still trying to minimise it and remember to always be humble!!.. huhu sometimes, I do brag and look down to others. But stilll trying to avoid those feelings. Well, if friends out there has some suggestions on how to overcome those feelings. plz help me. tnx. I'll google them later and post it here if i found one. hehe. And as the saying goes 'be yourself', I'm being myself by impressing ppl n look good. coz I'm gonnago with true to myself. k, whatever it means, as long as i'm happy, i'm gonna live

I'm not good with linguistic

It is hard to express yourself when u have lack of vocabulary. As m not graduated yet, but i know myself that i have always been good with technology and math. Not to brag or anything, but i am disappointed with myself due to my lack of knowledge in words. Maybe i'm too involve in medicine that makes me not aware of the lay term ppl were using on the street. Sometimes, I feel like I'm being insensitive to others. It's not like I'm an evil person who doesnt understand the meaning of hurt, anger or sad, but to appreciate those feelings would take more. I also recently noticed that I have my own meaning of words. It is easier to express them with numbers. It's like my 'maybe' has never been 50% yes and no. It gottabe, weight more to other side. Well, the use of maybe has always been a kind gesture. Similar with 'I dont mind', 'it's ok' and many more unsure terms. I have always have an absolute mind, the one who thinks in black and white, a d

M worst at keeping my own promises!!!!

Ok, I failed! Currently, failed to not shopping, save money, be nice, i only accomplish, to fast, studying for some time, and lose some weight. ughhhhhh

The Chopstick Method

I got this great article on good way to lose weight. Here it is . Well, never give up on being healthy coz its a good investment and sacrifice. no doubt...hehe... lol. I've aready starts trying this. Actually no intention of dieting by using the method actually but it is kinda interesting when something you do does give benefits.... hehe... Happy trying folks!! cheers

Dance machine

Well, as my tweet mentioned bout me being a dance machine, lemme elaborate more.... At first, Aimi, my roomie bought the xbox kinect with dance central the bestest game ever, i was actually how would i describe is as.... kayu...hahah.... dancing like a stick....hahah..... dancing and me was never a perfect match..... but then i tried very hard to improve my skill..... that was like april this year i think, and now after 6 months later..... dancing has become second to nature to me!!!!! believe it or not, i am dancing flawleesly to dance choreography in xbox.... i can easily follow the step faster and my moves are getting better... no more kayu!!!!! soooo loving it..... i suddenly preach to the quote practice makes perfect!!!! well, i think i should imply that to study... it took 6 months to have a perfect dance move, and not alot to memorise all my meds books....chaiyokkk..... may Allah permited my activites and physical wellbeing....insya'Allah... try this!


accidentally found this very cute thing.... hey kiddo, the world is a nicer place... u'll grew out of your childishness eventually...haha... from rndom fb *All upcoming friend rq will be first considered b4 any approval (^^,) * *Please remind & take note ! Don't post any inproper comments or post something that will absolutely cause arguments on my page, without any doubt i'll remove u from my friends list ! (^^,) * *Plz noted that i hate chatting. i only chat if there's sumthing important to say. dont mark me as a stuck up person just bcoz i don't reply u back, it's just tht i freaking hate chatting ok?* * & also plz3 dont ask for my phone number k.? if u ever leaved ur phone num via msg/chtg box, i will not text also, unless if u r sumbody tht is important keyh :D* *owh yeah, STALKER & HATERS will be absolutely ,REMOVE from my page.get it? ;)* *if u r still interested, kindly CLICK ''ADD BUTTON" without hesitation * *&

I dont wanna spend time in MISERY

regardless the little knowledge i have.... the looks that I only admire..... the few money I have in my bank acc... I cant spend the little time I have with sadness. Life is too short for that... At least, I have a lot of friends to help me study.... make up and clothes to cover up my flaws...... and MARA to sponsor me... for me to be HAPPY and cherish the moment I have now and then....

got some cool pics for u guys



funny.... tina told daffy that he's nothing but IMPERFECTION.... name a perfection?.... haha .... then you'll go wait a minute... i think i have one..... i am nothing but

i loveeee daydreaming

while I was on my back home one of the days last week, i have a chat with my colleague... since we r about to finish this mad med school, we were kinda like talk and discuss about our future ahead..... i always gotta crazy idea bout my is insane how my brain works when m not really using it...haha.....guess what i wanna do as my past time???'s MODELLING!!!! haha...crazzy innit??? first, it is because i like to make up and look nice... second, i like to dress third, i like to pose in front of the camera... tho i didnt know a thing about modelling, still i wanna dream to become one!!!!hahahah well, that's me, i wannabe anything i want to..... juz wait what the futures hold for me..... maybe a role model for the doctors out's a job not game!!!!hahah.......chill2.... till then nyte2


m applying this theory my friends called mermaid theory to my choices of music..... at first u listen to it.... man...that songs s**** alot.....haha...... but after repeating for some's kinda suits ur ears..... welllll..... there goes!!!! nite everyone!!!

terms and conditions....

There's always a hard and fast rules in relationship. one must not missed or disobey this or it's not a 'ship at all. if you google this, there will be pages and thousands of webs writing bout this. be it forum or blogs. well, as for me, I kinda have my own opinion on this. I want my bf to: at least once a week 2.texting is not mandatory 3.dont ever forget my birthday are optional 5.know at least one of my stupid hobbies. that's not hard... see m not demanding at all.... haha.... lol..... i kinda made this up since I have a teman tp mesra whom always stick ard tho i ignored dozen times ardy.... well, tough love hard to come by...... still, no strings attached has always been my thing..... keeping myself available until m not is my lifestyle atm...... cheers!!!!

super hillarious.....

looney tunes..... epic, effing good and when it comes to how i met your mother it is just shakingly funny..... well when it comes to laughing..... m juz never gonna stop.....hahhaha

me n rumie...

it is veryyyyy kinda similar to this....hehe


yeah... i have lots of crush with so many ppl...and most of it end up with broken heart as it name... 'CRUSH' lol


yesterday I went to SINGAPORE.. juz a day trip...haha... i spent about 100 euro on shopping and other trip expenses... i tried not too shop alot but i i have to trained myself to be as stingy as possible.... i bought souvenirs for my sisters n parents and friends... since it is only a short trip tho, i managed to buy my own dresses.. two long dresses and long sleeves as wel.... only cost me 20 dollars them lotsss.... will post the pics later.... in the mean time, i will be spending the rest of my holidays in malaysia which is 11 days left with going with friends and enjoying my life to the max... k friends... i need a reminder of my to do things before going back home....uwaaaaa


Been there done that messed around I'm having fun don't put me down I'll never let you sweep me off my feet I won't let you in again The messages I tried to send My information's just not going in Burning bridges shore to shore I break away from something more I'm not turned on to love Until it's cheap Been there done that messed around I'm having fun don't put me down I'll never let you sweep me off my feet This time baby I'll be bulletproof This time baby I'll be bulletproof I won't let you turn around And tell me now I'm much too proud To walk away from something when its dead Do do do your dirty words Come out to play When you are hurt? There's certain things That should be left unsaid Tick tick tick tick On the watch And life's too short For me to stop Oh baby Your time is running out I won't let you turn around And tell me now I'm much too proud All you do is fill m

some ppl

hey u.... it is not that what u were saying are wrong in any way... could u juz for a sec consider others feelings..... be considerate when u were talking about something coz u might never know what worse to come in ur life.... i know i should manage my part too.... but for the record mind your own business before u mind others..... busy body betul laaaa manusia zmn skarang nih..... sebokkkkkkkkkkkkk laaa makcik, sy x pnh kacau makcik, makcik xyah kacau sy!!!!!!!!!!!

dealing with uncertainty...

my sis says that i should solat istikharah if i am facing and dealing with uncertainty.. i know I should come back to Allah in performing solat is a way to talk to HIM.. I will do it.... pray for my success and happiness...cheers...


So many things has changed so far... - my sis r married - ppl r getting married - I shop alot for tudung - I already bought flight tix for next year graduation - I wanted to save money but nearly failed - I have to plan for next year summer holiday - I am about to finish my electives..... so far my holidays is so packed and I have no rest at all....

Rule of LOVE

never forgwt to listen!! First rule of <3 Forget me if u fail....


Madness!!!!! My head is burning when I heard ppl talking bout me behind my back!!!! But I would explode if they got mad in front of me!!!!! I dont blame them. You can talk as much as you want, but in the end the one who listens will be the ears of despair n hopelessness. I hv my time, you ll gt urs soon, no escape on that!!!! CHEERS


Firstly, bersyukur result harituh passssssss. So. Boleh blk rayer. Hehe. Pastuh my sis nk kawen! Both of them! Baguslah mereka kawen, melangkah ke alam baruu. Wth, m writing in malay!!! Haha. At least m not forgettting my hometown!!!!! Ok. I usually forgot that m not really fond of writing at all. Be it in eng or malay. Bt since this is the place where the viewers r general. Might s well the language is understandable across worldwide. Lol. Nothing huge is happening since I got back. But i hv been fasting for my nazar for a week already. TIRED!!!! bt my mission is yet to ve accomplish. Money is on strike atm. No new clothes!!! I cn only afford movies n food only. Which has already cost a fortune. My new aim is; Macbook air; rm3009 Plasma tv; rm 5000 Mama's new phone; rm 500 Total; 8509 Haih. Starvation mode for. The pursue of happiness lol. Latrrr peeps!!!


my update!!!!!!! recent n not recent activities include....(without order) 1-I FINISHED STREAMING HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER SEASON 1 TO altho i'm not proud of it....but hell yeah..... it's juz legend........wait for it.....DARY!!!!! hahahah 2- i diagnosed myself as 3- n now....studying for my future..... so-called- MEDICINE...HOHO.....that's the update....n yeah....i'm updated......nail it!!!!weeeeee

No more being Judgemental..

I know that is not catchy at all...but at least, it has a And so I should try myself not to be judgemental, hard but possible as usual.... it is not exactly no more, like an absolute no no when I decide not wearing skirt thing but, kinda less, a no with a grey area....hahaha....... partially no I would call that..... I am in a middle of my study btw.... I should continue back to my work...and please, do pray for my success......hahahahha

Life is a biatch..

life is so funny when you start comparing with others and then reflected them back to us.... the saying can go like life is as you know it, the world doesnt revolves ard u, life is sucks when everyine is successful It's not true that life is one damn thing after another; it is one damn thing over and over. Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892 - 1950) Life is just one damned thing after another. Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915) Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep. Fran Lebowitz (1950 - ) Life is something that everyone should try at least once. Henry J. Tillman Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome. Now, I can enjoy my life the way I want it to be...... boooyaaaahhhh

not my fault...

it is not a disorder if it is not disabling, distressful or causing difficulties.... and thus my problem is not a disease. i'm insensitive. it's not my fault, i've binned those pittiness deep in the sea the day he walked away. not blaming tho, i was this kinda person eversince. no emotions, juz thoughts. so i should be as rational and justifiable as u want me to be. that is why i am easily influenced, it is hard to know my stance. i can be any person that i want to be. lazy and crazy or even productive and hardcore! haha.... saket perot!!!!!duhhhh

normality vs humanity

psych is just a new level of medicine, not like a higher or lower kinda thing, just different. so today I was sitting and listening during ward rounds with the team, appreciating his advices more likely. and somehow, I found his words very much inspiring (because I wasnt sleepy exactly like last time). He was talking to a patient how they are improving, and it is a good way to acknowledged their achievement. He also mentioned bout how compliance and motivation can makes you feel better apart from taking the right therapy or medications. And on top of things, I was mesmerized or even come to realisation that he said, being ill or mentally ill to be specific, didnt make you less human and being normal or not mentally ill wouldnt make you more human as well ( this is not his exact quote but I just rephrasing to make it more clearer). So, I would say that, making judgement about others would not be the kinda life you want it to be. perfectionist is just an expectation, being perfect is tr

tv list!

Mon- desperate housewives Tue- Chucko Wed- how I met your mother Thur- Vampire Diaries Fri- ANTM cycle 16 wooohooooo.... it's gonnabe alot of FUN!!!!

Even without turning on the heater...

my room still feel warm... or am I having hot flushes like Bree when she undergo her menopause? LOL.... lets not jump into anything you dont wish for.... maybe I'm sick with chilling n my body decided to stay warm n hot!!!! duhhh..... currently not doing my best for things I dislike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just try harder to the point I disgust it!!!!hehe

Team Bartowski!!!

Agent Casey, Agent Walker and Special Agent Karl Michael is on their move to be the best spies ever...... and today's mission succeed with a lil bit of interruption! but still, general beckman is proud of us for what we worked for!!!!yeay.... complete the rest of the mission for tomorrow n we'll sure survive!!! lol

this is weird....

My life is a weird path..... Since I was born, I was never a normal person! hahah..... I was born on the day my aunt got married! I'm so much different from the rest of my family, actually everyone in my family has a very distinct personality, so mine wont count different then, SKIP! How about friends? among my friends, m outside the norm according to them, I ate alot, teeth freak, drink alot, ramble about iphone, changing opinion rapidly and frequently..... ahahah... differ alot in taste of GOOD AND HAPPY RELATIONSHIP!!!!! lol...cant argue much coz I'm not in one tho. Actually, this post trigger me because, I recently lost taste of malay/indo songs because I'm quite attached to english series atm, and those songs dont suit my ear anymore..... WEIRD I would say....ahahha....funny enuff, and I decided to delete them instead skipped everytime it starts... that's about it.... the earlier part was just intro n ramble to make things more dramatic.... as if it was!!! till t

I dont need you....

Me getting fatso! I dont need the mirror to told me I'm fat I dont need the my tight jeans to told me I'm fat I dont need the scale to told me I'm fat and seriously, i dont need YOU to tell me I'm fat, coz u r a fatso too!!!!!! LOL

it savvy????

in my dreams..... after owned a cute iphone, I think I consider myself IT savvy already!!!! hahahaha.... perasan!!!!! after this, m dreaming of buying myself a macbook air!!!! yahooo.... berangan!!!!!! this is me....suker makan, berangan and sopinggggg......wakakkakakak,...... nak exam gp nih tp satu haper x hengat...dhlaaa cm susah....fatin kater hafal jek....JEK? easy to say, but hard to do....uwaaaaa....... budus laaaaa after restore my iphone, sumer bender ilang! nak jb nyer pasal.... xper laaaa redha jek...wish me luck on my exam......tata

mad at myself.....

it is hard..... I should accept the fact that m studying medicine.... this is my future, m gonna graduate and face the ppl that r sick n treat them well... Ya Allah, give me courage, faith and determination so that I wont have any stupid thoughts about my life being difficult.... m not a QUITTER although tsunami is in front of me...... face it or lose everything you've been working for all this while...... all or nothing effect! haha..... tawww takottttt.......uwaaaaaaa......

from NATO to ATMA!

it is not the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.... but instead, it is the acronym for my condition right now... which is, No action Talk only and also, No action Thoughts only! I had NATO like all the time since forever! I had been talking about losing weight and healthy lifestyle but still keep on doing the opposite. And then there is this homeworks and then this and that... LOL.. nak tepon mama!!!!!!!! I wish I could walk the talk/thoughts but it seems, m juz another human with lots of talk and thoughts that is soOn to be fulfilled!!!!!! This is me again doing my thing with procrastination..... why is this world so cruel to let me watch all the movies I watched, eat all the food I ate and sleep as long as I want???? why not, the world lead me to the kindness of finishing all my assignments, exercising regularly and pray as early as possible. hmmmmm..... this is yet again my own sweet sweet!!!!!!! ?I supposed a new term should be used which I will call, ATMA not a

F with being nice!!!!

You know when you r nice, ppl will try to take advantage of u... but also by being evil ppl will hate you.. no matter what you are, ppl ard u will always b judgemental..... in short, I AM ONE OF THAT JUDGEMENTAL person!!!!!!! very much actually...... whatever it is, I know being nice, humble and kind is what ppl will expect from each and everyone of us.... but what the hell, the world is full of crap, evil and hatred, and so let it be..... I myself am gonnabe that kinnda world it is now, a crap, evil and hater!!!!!wakakkakakaka....... evilicious is the new nice! welcome miss EVIL!!!! bye2 miss

two opposite ends

I call myself extremist! coz when watching movies, u know what I like? it's either thriller, action or comedy, romance. Aww that sounds like all kinda movies. well, but unless it's thrill enough, I wont take it down and also if it's not funny enough it wont gimme a crack! M gonna make a good record of this month for the most movie watch of the year! hahahah..... believe me, lemme list them all..... toy story (all), the incredibles, megamind, unstoppable 2011, takers 2011... the list goes on and on...... when it comes to temperatures, when there is a slight drop of temp, I can get really2 cold and the slight increase of temp I could get really3 hot!!!!! I AM ONE PERSON THAT IS HARD TO PLEASED!!!!! whatever man..... m living my life..... n now iknow what syndrome i own now, ied, Intermittent explosive disorder!!!!!LOL

Viral infection prognosis

I was a very sick child back then. I was diagnosed with asthma at nine year old, got a fever about three times a year and several occasion of tummy pain. But inspite all that, my family and especially my dad always tease me that I dont look sick at all. Yeah of coz, my mouth never stop talkung and as chatty as it use to be. That helps keeps the pain away. And then there was always mummy to nurse me all the way thru my needs. And then there was high school@ secondary school, still I was always a sick teenagers. No more mummy, bt there r friends to look after me. Back in Beseri, whenever I caught a fever, we always stay with each other and gossip all night to keep my fever away and end up everyome else got infected!! Haha. Poor thing... Now, since last year I decided to put this fever thing to an end by taking preventative measures! I actually been taking vit c n other supplmnts to boost up my immunity. It works it some ways i think. But last week I missed them a few days and there was

watching this!

Over and over again.... gonnabe cool!!!! super cool....ahahaha 90210 season 3 ep17 26:03 to 28:39 naomi falling in love with a nerd? like seriously... i love naomi.... josh Zuckerman@max for reallll!!!! ahahah.....getting too involved with tele is my thing!!!!!hohoho i really like you part !!!

when I say m sorry...

doesnt mean I really mean it... sometimes, m really3 sorry most of the times, it is juz for courtesy!! n to you, it means, I'm done!

i met a guy, we talked, it was epic....

ok..... now it's like all teenagers life again.... i luv it... watching my chick flicks series, is all coming back.... M gonna watch this after getting bck in Dublin nxt week!!! Lets go lads!!! N btw, that heroic-guy in vampire's diary use iPhone!! Cool huh, vamp on the techno stuff!!! Lol There's alot of funny thing bout this series. Haha, its giving me both crack n also tears!!! Can u believe it? Seriously, dont get too involved n mind urself to watch ur back!!!! Jk... Hv fun this wk n we gonna get thru this perfectly!!!! Stdy mode yawwww n rock ya weekend next sexayyy!!! Xxxx

focus n full concentration!!!!

socioeconomic problem!!!!! low education, no resource, low income...bla bla bla..... arghhhh.... no laziness, kk.... get back to work!!! tata

Traveller n the travelling...

Lol punyer iphone! TravelliNG is all about consuming alot of money, energy and also time! Therefore, those three crucial is really vital to get sorted! Moneywise! - buy cheap transportation, accomodation n limit ur expenses on food n souvenirs! Energy wise! - travel lite, brought along all those travel kit that uneed, coz u r not gonna live there like forever! Plus, everything is needed to be planned ahead, u dont wanna ho somewhere empty headed too. TIME wise- this is particularly important for a last minute person, dont even think u r fast n everything n everyone ard u is the same, same as not punctual, coz today, i almost miss my bus due to my improper time management. No more ladt mins next time plz! Duhhh. TIME IS meeeee! Hoho. ;) teehee

back up!!!

today is totally the good day to back up all my files, reformat my computer! rearrange my life and sort out the unsorted!!!! i havnt plan my gp visit yet my laundry is not yet sorted my life changing plan is not even started m in misery as far as m concern! right now is totally horrible!!! my laptop is outta control!!!!! i juz want to listen to higa's jokes that would cheer my whole life again!!!! luv u higaaaaaaa...LOL

i like guys who can dance!!!!

owhoooo.... who doesn't have preference? tell me!!! ahax, as for me, I love dancing! n I wanted someone to teach me to do it in the right way tho!!! ahaha.... so, a dance partner would be the best thing!!! ahax.... any volunteer??? lol

my eligible working profession!

1. Maid/housekeeper 2. Secretary 3. Gym instructor 4. Math/chemistry Teacher 5. interviewer 6. comedian 7. last but not least, a DOCTOR!!!!!!..... phewwwww...... it's on the list yawwww...LOL

4months for a change

4 months challenge!!!!!! no shopping, less eating, more exercise!!!!! what i need? - a record detail- diary or whateva - determination - no fees or surcharge is needed at all!!!! - courage - faith!!! ya Allah berilah akoo kekuatan.....ameen

not just a Doctor

yeah, with courage, faith and determination.... I will be a product of an ethical doctor..... LOL, this is the outcome when I read too much of ethics and law..... sickkkkkk be patient coz I'm gonna get through this fast and painlessly....hehe....editing mode..... pronto!

nasib kau laaa.....

nasib kau laaaa kan kawan2 ko sumer kengkawan akoo, akoo x heran sgt laaa xder kawan cam ko, x hadap pon! kalo ye pon nak carik musuh, sorila, m not interested jadi musuh ko, kawan apertah lagi, blocked laaa mcm maner pon, kalo fb ko sepah2 kuar muker akoo, served u rite, u r gonna face me for the rest of ur life, bukan akoo yg blocked ngko!!!!! jgn igt muker cam awk yg kunun ramai peminat tuh, ak nk minat laaa, tuh mmg tinggal SEJARAH!!!!!! sumpah ak igt time heals, tp sesungguhnya time make it worst!!!! awek ko yg kunun2 cun melecun, n kunun2 ikhlas mtk maap tuh, silerlaaa jager baik2, n tnx to her, perangai ko skang mmg cam bitch giler. seriously, life's a joke, n u r the joker!!!!!! LOL peepls.

limiting my viewer

I know I have better things to do but instead...... I clicked on my friends list on fb and deleted them one by one...... wth????? I just discovered that I wasnt supposed to make my life public n so i limitd my viewer to only really3 friends..... the one that I have been talking to, going out with and at least met in person!!!!! The better things that I was suppose to do is study and cleaning....ahahhaha.... exercising as well!!!! ok that's three already..... lets get started.....hoho

Realizing the reality

to put things on top of my list is indescribably hard!!!!! everything could be on top now!!!! i dont need a list, i juz need attitude changing on top of everything else... I DONT NEED TO BE PERFECT!!! Plain and simple is nice...=) dont complicate the easy stuff!!! Pushing myself to do better is more like it! xoXO


click here peeps -----> InThaCity

if we are dating....

Kalau berpacaran Memang banyak pantang larang Menjaga susila Ibu bapa adik abang Apabila berdua Carilah tempat yang terang Agar tidak pula Mencuba aksi terlarang Boleh pandang-pandang Jangan pegang-pegang Duduk renggang-renggang Bertambah sayang Biar malu-malu Biar segan-segan Kerna malu itu Perisai orang beriman Kalau berpacaran Jangan tunggu lama-lama Kalau dah berkenan Jumpalah ayah dan mama Hantarkan rombongan Meminang dengan segera Kalau terlambat kasihmu disambar buaya Yeah

KAKLONG and KAKNGAH are getting married!!!!

This is a serious wake up call for me to getting back in shape!!!! lol.... at the moment, they are doing their wedding shopping in Bandung, Indonesia...what an enjoyment!!!! me and kaklong... xxx me n I wish them both a very, very Good Life ahead with their future husband...all the best hot chicks!!!! p/s: n m still a single loser .... LOL...but with great ppl surrounds me...hoho

Back to School!!!!!

School@Class@Hospitals@lectures!!!!! oooemmmmgeeeee..... these things are haunting me badly!!!! Well, lets get back to reality... after all, I already had enough break I supposed? (really??? holidays are never gonnabe enough!!!) .... lemme look back at what I did so far...hmmmm.... 4 x airport homeless 2 days hangout with an old pal in the UK a week in Istanbul 2 days of boxing day shopping in London couple of movies (reviews coming up soon!!!!!) alot of facebook not to forget alottttttttt n seriouslyyyy wayyyy toooo muchhhhh of eatinggggg!!!!hahahah I love to recall my experience as an airport homeless!!!!!! First attempt; because I wanna wait for the first dublin bus Airport: Dublin airport during midnight Duration: Ard 7 hrs Temp: quite chill Energy level: 4/10 What did I do?: Sleep (change once only) Comment: not too bad Second attempt; Airport: Frankfurt airport (main) (terminal 1) Duration: Ard 26 hrs, time of the day???? u tell me...uhuh Temp: room temp (nice!!!) Energy level: 7