from NATO to ATMA!

it is not the North Atlantic Treaty Organization....but instead, it is the acronym for my condition right now... which is, No action Talk only and also, No action Thoughts only!
I had NATO like all the time since forever! I had been talking about losing weight and healthy lifestyle but still keep on doing the opposite. And then there is this homeworks and then this and that... LOL.. nak tepon mama!!!!!!!!
I wish I could walk the talk/thoughts but it seems, m juz another human with lots of talk and thoughts that is soOn to be fulfilled!!!!!! This is me again doing my thing with procrastination..... why is this world so cruel to let me watch all the movies I watched, eat all the food I ate and sleep as long as I want???? why not, the world lead me to the kindness of finishing all my assignments, exercising regularly and pray as early as possible. hmmmmm..... this is yet again my own sweet sweet!!!!!!! ?I supposed a new term should be used which I will call, ATMA not as in Akademi Tentera Malaysia but instead, a little Thoughts/talk, more Action!!!!!


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