Viral infection prognosis

I was a very sick child back then. I was diagnosed with asthma at nine year old, got a fever about three times a year and several occasion of tummy pain. But inspite all that, my family and especially my dad always tease me that I dont look sick at all. Yeah of coz, my mouth never stop talkung and as chatty as it use to be. That helps keeps the pain away. And then there was always mummy to nurse me all the way thru my needs.
And then there was high school@ secondary school, still I was always a sick teenagers. No more mummy, bt there r friends to look after me. Back in Beseri, whenever I caught a fever, we always stay with each other and gossip all night to keep my fever away and end up everyome else got infected!! Haha. Poor thing...
Now, since last year I decided to put this fever thing to an end by taking preventative measures! I actually been taking vit c n other supplmnts to boost up my immunity. It works it some ways i think. But last week I missed them a few days and there was a strong viral attack that invade my system! Remember, viral always affect multisystem and self limitting but bacterial one system n hedious!! N for the record, it has been more than ten years since I last took abx. Bt still, I cnt help myself not to get sick.
Day 1 sore throat with no temp bt feels rising.
Day 2 sore throat with runny nose n temp slightly high. Eat normally n drink alot
Day 3 temp spike, no more sre throat, half box if tissue wasted, alot of water drank, no appetite, terrible and explosive headache, took two paracetamol
Day 4 temp down n left with runny nose with no appetite

Soon to be over! Bye virus :)


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