Since when did I've been attacked????

This is a message that came out when I wanted to open tv3 website...
This is so annoying!!!! Does this means dat I should stop streaming and start studying???
I did study!!! but stop streaming?????.... this is so UNFAIR!!!!
when this happen, I start to think that this thing is kinda useful if this warning come whenever some1 has some bad intentions on me and that person is totally blocked from my life AUTOMATICALLY!!!!!! weather I'm realizing it or not..... ehehhehe..... this would be sooooo much fun and interesting!!!!! well, life doesn't really work dat way..... we HAVE to face and deal with them somehow..... life is sooooo FAIR~ xoxo


  1. hahah cool gila kalo ada software macam ni.aman sikit hidup aku!hahahah

  2. siot dowh!!!! AKOO XLeh tgk muker akoo kat tv3 dah!!!!!! benciiii


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