no more GIRLS nite out...

Blogging has been my addiction since yesterday...
Since I got another half an hour before I get ready to go sight seeing at the city center, I better write something for the sake of blogging!!!!ahahhaha
well, tmrw my bff is going the the city of love, PARIS!!!! she is going there for a WEEK!!!!!!
I was left alone with monster nisya, obsesi aimi, mama ummi n studyholic yasmin!!!!
lol.... like m not use to dat~.....

me n sarah aredi set a day for a weekly hangout which is FRIDAY.....and m gonna miss them this week whilst sarah is having alot of FUN in FRANCE.....(send my regards to MR. Handsome
tmrw is ST. pat day and I want to stay home n doing nutin!!!!! yeay.....

btw, there's another 25 mins left..... and here, meet my bff... Siti Sarah Harrun.....


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