yasmin's amsterdam trip!!!

organizing holiday trip is one of my many hobbies!!!!
n now m helping min with hers...
Here goes the trip roughly:

Depart: 12 Apr, 12:15 - Eindhoven airport
Return: 16 Apr, 07:00 - Brussels (charleroi airport)

Accomodation: Book here min!!! about 16 euro per person per night

12Apr: check in and city tour, Dam square, red lite district...bla....bla / zanse shaan
13 Apr: Keukenhof (book ticket online)
14 Apr: Factory outlet/ Volendaam....
15Apr: Take eurolines bus to brussels and then brussels city tour, mini europe and atom
16 Apr: overnite in airport n back to Dublin~

Transport: use the punching ticket, buy the strip one each.
  • book keukenhof ticket online here.
  • book accomodation.
  • book eurolines ticket to brussels here.
ENJOY ur trip guys!!!!!


  1. hahaha...plan trip greece gak weh!!!

  2. nak ikut pegi greece!!
    ke korang pegi mse easter?

  3. plan pon x lagi akak2 sekalian!!!! ahax.... dun wori nanti kiter g sesamer...yeay~

  4. bagusnye ade orang macam ni. ape kate ko plan trip aku pegi longdong dan tempat2 yang seantero dengannye bulan 12 ni! yuuuhuuu!!!


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