Emotional eating! ahahah

Damn it.... i am a true emotional eater...... cant help it not to eat..... i dunno.... iam just a pathetic girl, who tried to lose weigth and always failed....hoho...

here's are some of my motivations

Shape up
Many people find themselves stuck on the weight-loss carousel. These people have been going around in circles on different diets and weight-loss programmes before returning to the same spot, losing time, energy, finances and their belief in exercise. You may be one of them.

Very often all it takes is one look at a client's food diary and it soon becomes apparent where improvements can be made.

The stumbling block to achieving the success you crave is simply that you don't care about it enough. People who care take action, and their video matches their audio. You cannot look great naked without changing your eating patterns or doing exercise. George Bernard Shaw said: "Doing what needs to be done may not make you happy, but it will make you great."


People who are serious about changing their fitness levels are committed to accomplishing what they set out to do regardless of what needs to happen. They plant a stake in the ground and make certain things non-negotiable. They don't do the least to get the most. They do whatever it takes to get the result they want.

There is a small percentage of people who do get results and many people wonder where they get their discipline. But discipline is a myth. You are the result of what you love most, and your time and your energy is distributed in terms of what you care most about.

You either want to get rid of your muffin top and your chunky thighs, or you want the bottles of wine and the weekend takeaways. It is as simple as that.

You shouldn't beat yourself up if you resort to more comfort eating because you are not happy with how you look. Just admit that you love your refined carbs more than your abs.

One of the best ways to raise your self-esteem is to make choices that lead to a change in your physical body and your mind. In exercise, you improve your self-esteem when you train hard, train consistently and stick to set training days.

To keep yourself on the straight and narrow, you choose exercises that recruit a lot of muscle mass and weights that challenge you. Forego the leg extension machine or water-bottle weights if they don't challenge you.

You choose fish and green vegetables with lime water over a Chinese take-away with a bottle of wine. The protein in the fish will provide you with amino acids -- the building blocks for muscle -- and the fibre will reduce the glycaemic index of foods you eat and provide antioxidants that pull toxins from your system. Limes alkalise your body, which in turn improves your ability to deal with stress.

Your body is like your bank account. When you save continually, you gain interest, as the bank rewards you for your savings: and your body will reward you too.

When you look after your body, it responds by changing its composition, losing weight or dropping body fat. If you don't honour your body with good judgment in food and exercise choices, it responds by breaking down with illness and disease.

If someone is in the shape that you aspire to be in, they are not more disciplined than you. They simply love and respect themselves enough to make choices that honour them and bring them nearer to the goals they set for themselves.

If you have been continually making

Read more: http://www.independent.ie/lifestyle/independent-woman/health-fitness/shape-up-how-to-look-good-naked-2528044.html#ixzz1hCNnwioE


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