I'm not good with linguistic

It is hard to express yourself when u have lack of vocabulary.
As m not graduated yet, but i know myself that i have always been good with technology and math. Not to brag or anything, but i am disappointed with myself due to my lack of knowledge in words. Maybe i'm too involve in medicine that makes me not aware of the lay term ppl were using on the street. Sometimes, I feel like I'm being insensitive to others. It's not like I'm an evil person who doesnt understand the meaning of hurt, anger or sad, but to appreciate those feelings would take more.

I also recently noticed that I have my own meaning of words. It is easier to express them with numbers. It's like my 'maybe' has never been 50% yes and no. It gottabe, weight more to other side. Well, the use of maybe has always been a kind gesture. Similar with 'I dont mind', 'it's ok' and many more unsure terms. I have always have an absolute mind, the one who thinks in black and white, a decision maker. But, to every human, no one is perfect, I do have doubts and indeccisiveness. But strong will, and faith has always keep my mind straight and avoid me to become astray.

Oh Allah, prevent me to become someone who is disloyal, dishonest and a liar. Show me the right path to your Jannah. Insya'Allah.


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