Sneaky me 2007

Lets go back to 2007, yeah… I was only 20 at that time. So young, naive (ugh not reallly) and free. I know what I am capable of at this time I suppose. I traveled overseas without my parents for the first time. I am only with my friends. I have to deal with life far away from my own hometown, family, friends and culture. I always have that feelings when I am in a new place that “YES, NOW I CAN START FRESH’. Well rest assured, I am the same old me doing the same thing over and over again. #demit

I am so grateful that I have seniors whom picked us up at the airport and send us to our hostel. Help us out buying our necessities. Yeah, those are the days. They guide us spiritually and even brings us to our first europe tour. So, there we are, our first winter retreat. Listen to usrah from the seniors. I still remember we were in Leicester (my dad use to study here) at that time (I went through the photos back and it was in Loughborough). I met few friends including ex-classmate from KMB. It was kinda like reunion. I am an opportunist when it comes to this whole academic event thing. Always finding fun on my own. I sneaked out from the group and took a bus near town. Went on little trip to the city for a quick shopping, and even bought myself a concert ticket to Linkin Park. (my first ever oversea concert!!!!!) I got lucky that I didn’t miss the last bus. Or else I need to spend money on taxi.

After the retreat, we flew straight to spain. We visited few places in spain. Stayed in hostel mostly. We were driving mostly during the trip. We started in Madrid. Owh I really love spain for the weather. The people aren’t that friendly. The ladies are mostly pretty, the guys were kinda hotie too. Lol. (back then I was single). As for the food, halal food are quite easy to find, but at the end of the day it was all kebab…kebaB….keBAB…..KEBABBBBBB…… hahhaha…. I can stil remember nisya’s making face of us have to eat kebab all the way. In most of my trip to europe countries, I always buy souvenirs, especially fridge magnet. Yeayyy love them(end up giving them to my mum, and letting my nephew and nieces broke them into pieces…whatever).
In Leicester city centre

 meeting ex kmb friends from Leicester. Coz I just remembered I sneaked out alone.
Posing in Loughborough

We stayed a night in Madrid if I’m not mistaken. Then started our Islamic journey to the south. We visited Granada, Seville, Toledo and lastly Malaga. I did visited the famous alHambra. They were pretty, nothing so fabulous to impress me. (what do I really know about art..duhhh) What I found from most of europe country, the architecture of the building are mostly the same. They are all brown in colour. I think I am just gonna show the old photo of me. Some of the pretty building. I hate that I didn’t plan the itinerary. But its ok I enjoyed mostly during the trip. Cause this one led me to a much more adventure later on. Ok peeps. Sorry to bore you that mush. Adios

San Martin Toledo bridge

OOTD in front of plaza de Espana Seville

AlHambra architecture

This is AlHambra guys


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