nasib kau laaa.....

nasib kau laaaa kan kawan2 ko sumer kengkawan akoo, akoo x heran sgt laaa xder kawan cam ko, x hadap pon! kalo ye pon nak carik musuh, sorila, m not interested jadi musuh ko, kawan apertah lagi, blocked laaa mcm maner pon, kalo fb ko sepah2 kuar muker akoo, served u rite, u r gonna face me for the rest of ur life, bukan akoo yg blocked ngko!!!!! jgn igt muker cam awk yg kunun ramai peminat tuh, ak nk minat laaa, tuh mmg tinggal SEJARAH!!!!!! sumpah ak igt time heals, tp sesungguhnya time make it worst!!!! awek ko yg kunun2 cun melecun, n kunun2 ikhlas mtk maap tuh, silerlaaa jager baik2, n tnx to her, perangai ko skang mmg cam bitch giler. seriously, life's a joke, n u r the joker!!!!!! LOL peepls.


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