NSAIDs is not such a bad idea after all~

i got an overused injury because of my daily jogging routine..... some ppl r just born with this.... n s for me, i think i inherited this bcoz my knee wasnt in a good condition since secondary school tho..... i started complaining everyday n do nothing bout it.... i dont wanna put pressure on it coz i know it'll get worse.... but still i have to do some exercise, n without my leg m hopeless.... my arms r weak n they r hopeless in exercise..... do u expect me to wall climbing... bad idea....... i would've got a day of sleep by doing that maybe....ahahhahah....such a loser i am...... damn tired man if i really did that.....lol...... so the thing is, i googled up n found out bout the painkillers which is NSAIDs.... it doesnt really say NSAIDs.... but since m a medic student i assumed it is...... so i took one n the next morning i got a brand new knee!!!!!!! wowie...... lol..... i hate drugs coz of the side effect.... but to hell those side effects...wawawawawa....... lol...... ok ignore me...... i gotta huge sense of relief n m gonna use this powerful medication when i really need it.... alhamdulillah..........tnx to my PONSTAN!!!!!!..... k chill out n have a great time with the lovely mr. sunshine...... i had my date today with lovely miss sarah n now gonna spend the rest of the weekend studying....holla blog, ttyl~


  1. uih...kuruihnye kaki ko wani...hahaha

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  3. haha NSAID tu memanglah feveret ubat aku!bila nak exam je ntah berapa bijik aku telan psl asik migrain je.kidney/liver failure lah aku nanti...

    btw ko dah kurus dan kaki ko pun kurus!

  4. wow!! kurus nye adik aku.. wahhaha.... bagus22


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