uhuh....... PREPARED?????

I dont know whether preparation is a real problem to me.....
maybe I should change planning to PREPARING.....
As I wonder.... I had been planning this and that all my life.....
but I dont really have any good preparation to what I was planning for.... but now I think I wanna try running instead of walking, wanna take the stairs instead of the lift, to take the tough journey instead of the shortcut, so that I would strive the hard way to get to the point I am now... I want my success to be seen as a hardwork rather than luck, heriditary or even gifted..... it's the hard work that I did that makes me to where I am now...... and so, I hope I have the world to support me what I am after, the good deed that I am looking for and this is what I want...... insya'allah..... yang baik itu dari NYA....

I will prepare for the AFTER life.....
I will be prepared and work hard!!!!!

thanx...... I am preparing for tomorrow now, don't procastinate!!!!! luv ya'll~ =)


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