
Showing posts from May, 2010

a challenge....

biler dgr alkuiliyyah.....raser cam ibadah kurang...... pengisian hati yg kosong..... but bile dgr halaqah.....raser cam ilmu nih sikit giler........ subhanallah......


things for MALAYSIA!!!! - barang2 org m'sia - my clothes, tudung sket, baju sket, suar sket - labcoat, steteskop, notebook, kumar n clark - shoes? - make-up? - acessories? - teddy bear? - maksurat, quran - handbags n bags - baju tema penang!!!!! wawawawa ok...... kengkawan plis remind me yg x cukop!!!!!


owh yeah....... it's a damn embarassment!!!!! not really a big deal, becoz i already got a long list of that..... a different kinds, a totally laugh out loud, and unforgettable!!!!! let me recall...... - I was caught by my dad writing,"why, m i so misfortuned?", in a piece of paper when I was 8... - I got a cellotape on my mouth bcoz I was talking nonstop in class, MGS malacca, when I was 8.. - I fell on the floor, no knee bend n head scarf inside out at evening islamic school when playing police n thief...everyone was asking, r u ok2? bt, wdh!!!! m more embarassed than m was standard 4, i was 10 - I fell off bike so many times..... I cant ride them properly.... n in KMNS, I got into a huge drain.... n my friend was laughing hysterically!!!!!! demit - I don't drive, and failed my test 3 times...... - I was a laughing stock back in BESERI...... - in trinity, I never do the right things...... n end up, doing my ophthal osce the way I want it to be

Pre 0phtal osce.


B0le x nk bwk sume ni blk?


bye2 pharm....welcome ent!!!!!

like a cycle of a never ending cortisol release....... fluctuation of mood like taking levodopa...... n now feels like taking TCA....... opiates more like it, since m asmathic, i rather take low dose imipramine..... n now is suffering mild symptoms of withdrawal exams effect, which needs meditation to get disulfiram-like effect...... so much of thiamine that in turns makes me feels

motivation already wane???

tell u what..... tho' ur motivation is already wane, u r not energetic enough or ur leg is hurt....... Allah is always there for u.... His love is endless...... His kindness is boarderless.... His Rahmat is the world...... so, I should always pray and wish for the best....... just remember, since His kindness, love and Rahmat is always there for u, I should also remember Allah and do the same kindness and lovingness..... ok folks, time to STUDY and WORK it!!!!! xoxo

jiwa kacau!!!!!

hey jiwa....kalo x kacau akoo x bleh ker???? PMS ker akoo??? evaluate sket... food cravings, jiwa kacau ngan food cravings lagi.....wawawawa fine..... hormonal imbalance then....... =(



Ya ALLAH...... m juz surprised.....

m not into papers n news..... so i juz knew this, LOON embrace ISLAM ... this makes me think that there are always a better person in us..... and this better person is there to pop out and change ur life and the surroundings..... is it a matter of time? willingness? hidayah? it's just within us..... if we let time to decide, then there wouldn't be any time, but if we let ALLAH to determine our future, insya'allah, there will be barakah ...... xoxo LOON ex-rapper in I need a girl.. .

NSAIDs is not such a bad idea after all~

i got an overused injury because of my daily jogging routine..... some ppl r just born with this.... n s for me, i think i inherited this bcoz my knee wasnt in a good condition since secondary school tho..... i started complaining everyday n do nothing bout it.... i dont wanna put pressure on it coz i know it'll get worse.... but still i have to do some exercise, n without my leg m hopeless.... my arms r weak n they r hopeless in exercise..... do u expect me to wall climbing... bad idea....... i would've got a day of sleep by doing that maybe....ahahhahah....such a loser i am...... damn tired man if i really did so the thing is, i googled up n found out bout the painkillers which is NSAIDs.... it doesnt really say NSAIDs.... but since m a medic student i assumed it is...... so i took one n the next morning i got a brand new knee!!!!!!! wowie...... lol..... i hate drugs coz of the side effect.... but to hell those side effects...wawawawawa....... lol...... ok


this is what I want to be in the last few months...... but it's not too late tho..... the past few weeks was like a dream come true because i never work hard for anything in my life before.....n now this pms doctor who keeps torturing my mind that makes me think I should read more..... I did read, but maybe it's not enough.... n somehow what I read wasnt even stick in my head..... how could it be possibly happen if u r reading that wasnt gonna interest u!!!!! EYE???? out of all things..... it's damn hard to understand the disease tho..... demit..... i dont have to be miss know-it-all to not be mocked by him... maybe I should just know the basic, bcoz what he called us is a toddler..... LOL... like I care, it's juz so happen that maybe it's my mistake that I wasnt so IKHLAS in studying... .. hmmmmm...... I NEED MY SPIRIT BACK...... uwaaaaaa....... my motivation level is going down for no reason...... bismillah....... I 'll try this.....


oopsie...... last time i shouldnt brag about me losing weight, coz m gaining them back..... i juz dunno what to blame..... exams? stress?.... but still, m keeping up with it.... uhuh... food is the ultimate thing that is bothering me..... what to eat? what not to eat?..... ahahha.... btw, once in a while eating sweet things wont harm you alot, juz keep it low... and challenges are something u think u cant handle..... well, i tell u what, as for me, i cant not to shop..... so being poor is a challenge to me..... figure out yours, u'll be surprise what u manage to be or do..... ok, later ..xoxo

some might not know this.....

wudhu' is also known as ablution...... wudhu' will kill ur small sins..... Rasulullah sallallahu a'laihi wasallam will recognize you with wudhu'..... wudhu' will also protect u from sinful act, nightmares.... well, protect urself, before syaitan takes over u..... insya'allah

holy QURAN

TADARUS...... it's good if u r reciting the quran together becoz if u r wrong, someone will correct u..... becoz if u did recite it wrongly, u got paid in other word, 'dilaknat' ...... well, once in a while, we need to have tadarus...... we are not perfect..... and thus making mistake is sooooo human...... jom laaaa cuti summer nih kiter wat hafazan, atleast juzuk amma..... plus, surah yasin, surah sajjadah, surah al-jin, al waqi'ah, dan al mulk..... insya'allah...... jom kawan2...... kiter leh tasmi' samer2 nanti....... xoxo

Forgive me......

Ya Allah..... hambamu ini banyak dosa sesama hambamu, apertah lagi dengan MU ya Allah..... Forgiving and asking for forgiveness, Sincerity is important, Forgiving didn't ask for aything more than, not recalling your mistakes and forgot everything wrong you did, and today I want to take this opportunity before it's too late to ask for everyone forgiveness, ME... I'm the person who talks harshly, make fun of people, boasted about myself alot, look down on people, and in other words hurting people is what I do best...... I used to I supposed, it's really hard to change something that had become ur habit, but when reality strikes, it demands changing!!!! so, I am still in the process of changing..... Anger is the enemy, fight them by staying calm and read the HOLY QURAN..... plus, listen to this . and all others mistakes will be vanish into thin air.... insya'allah..... I'm sorry friends and folks.....

insya'allah ....m nearly there....

salam...... balik nanti kener jadi anak mithali..... harap2 menjadi.... insya'allah..... aya nak jadik org gaji..... but sori mama, 19 jun ader plan wedding..... hehe...... so kener btaw awal2..... byk taw wedding kawan2 aya...... the plan is, weddings, one penang trip, one holiday trip and a month of elective..... does that sounds good for anak mithali????? lol...... anyhow, there's a plus.... i'll be a faithful maid, less eat n more work..... gotta be thin to attend all the weddings n eat all the food..... haha


Nabi s.a.w bersabda : Aku meninjau dalam syurga dan melihat kebanyakan ahlinya adalah org2 yg faqir. Aku meninjau ke dalam neraka dan melihat kebanyakan ahlinya adalah wanita. (HR Bukhari dan Muslim) Salah siapa yek? diri sendiri maybe..... hai...inilah nasib pegi tido awal nak mati, pas2 skang dah tercongok dpn laptop nih ha..... lol btol...... nak kener read up on ophtalmology coz xmo nampak noob dpn doc ok!!!!! patient cam banyak saket cataract jek...... pas2 ader ker smlm akoo dengar oncology pas2 terkejot, ingatnyer gynaecology.... aper kebender laaaa yg akoo ngah pk.... oh n btw royal victoria hosp got the best staff ever....cheers tot hem...xoxo..... ok laaaa...... later...salam...

gals!!!!! listen to's bout us~



Nk pegi ph0enix park!


uhuh....... PREPARED????? I dont know whether preparation is a real problem to me..... maybe I should change planning to PREPARING..... As I wonder.... I had been planning this and that all my life..... but I dont really have any good preparation to what I was planning for.... but now I think I wanna try running instead of walking, wanna take the stairs instead of the lift, to take the tough journey instead of the shortcut, so that I would strive the hard way to get to the point I am now... I want my success to be seen as a hardwork rather than luck, heriditary or even gifted..... it's the hard work that I did that makes me to where I am now...... and so, I hope I have the world to support me what I am after, the good deed that I am looking for and this is what I want...... insya'allah..... yang baik itu dari NYA.... I will prepare for the AFTER life..... I will be prepared and work hard!!!!! thanx...... I am preparing for tomorrow now, don't procastinate!!!!! luv ya'l


this is what life is all bout.....taking chances and live the unexpected life....... ok....chillex.....2 down 4 to go........


cancer is to men while auto immune is to us, breast carcinoma is to us as prostate carcinoma is to them, alcohol and ciggarate is to MEN and..... shopping and spending is to WOMEN!!!!!!!!! life is soooooo FAIR~

roti basi......

hahahah....roti kat umah asek di sedekah kan ker tong sampah jek lately....ish2 membazir.... lets talk about motivasi..... i use to say motivation is a bullshit thing....... it's a crap n only for ppl who r low self esteem.... well..... NOT ANYMORE....... motivation is what keeps high self esteem ppl at top n low esteem ppl alive..... it suits anyone..... any age, no gender bias, no geographical focus or even races nor religion..... oh my english is so seraboot!!!!! haha..... n so, wat keeps us move on is vital, MOTIVATION is super duper vital important....... n now i want to motivate every1 to love themselves...... I use to say to ppl n including myself that I like to make every1 happy..... dapat pahala taw!!!!!..... bt sometimes, u r going to hurt urself more or even end up not making them happy...... ppl r NEVER going to satisfy on anything even u give them everything in the world....... bt still, dont give up on making them happy, but most importantly, never forget to make ur


changes: Sarah says when I look at you.. Nisya says it's a turning point... Fatin says insaf.... Alkuliyyah says lillahi taa'la... Mama says ceka l..... I say it's determination.... AND IT'S ALL TRUE ....

bukan rahsia......

plan bermula 1 april.... selepas akoo raser tensi sgt dah ngan berat nih..... joging ngan ummi first2......pas2 raser cam nak kener wat slalu..... bermula dr hari itu.....akoo pon jogging hari2 without fail sehingga ke hari ini.... akoo ader bacer kat tenet pasal kebaikan jogging pagi n dah post kt blog dah..... pas2 slow2 akoo kurangkan makan..... susah tp boleh...... so nih jelaaa yg akoo wat...... mender yg korang wat 21 hari berturut2 akan jadi tabiat...... ini bukan nyer gimmick la..... ini semua pertolongan Allah...... alhamdulillah kiter semua x terlepas dr nikmatNyer....... timekaseh kawan2....mereka pon ader support gak..... so plan laaaa baik2...... if u fail to plan....u plan to fail.....biaser dah dgr nih.....kodi tol!!!! wawawa

morning is the best part of da day.......

to my heart and soul..... Ya Allah kuatkan dan tabahkanlah hati hambamu ini dalam menghadapi segala cabaran!!!!!!! amiiinn ok..... morning every1!!!! woit.....sonok gak turun berat pas2 takot dah nak makan...... wawawawawa tipu giler kot......akoo mmg suker akoo kener gak makan so dat lagi byk turun..... yeay....alhamdulillah....... from zero to hero....... if i do you!!!!!!! berusaha...... Allah dah menjanjikan kejayaan kepada org yg berusaha dan doa!!!!!! Jangan berhenti berDOA........ xoxo

testing2....testing 1 2 3....

setlah mengetry beberaper soklan emq dalm buku heam prof ngan mcq kat tenet..... akoo raser bantai jek lagi senang......mmg susah2 pon sumer soklan...... lol....... doa n tawakkal yek kawan2..... good luck n chaiyok 3rd med TRINITY sekalian!!!!!!

it works......

stop picking ur bleed nose....... n the bleeding n ulcer heals..... dont lie!!!!!! ENT rawx...... lol..... cant wait for next rotation.....wawawa.......miss my ent doc...... hehe


chewing of chewing gum..... studying day and nite...... anxious bout exams..... iron intake..... conclusion........ do it moderately.....