
Showing posts from December, 2011

Girl's talk

Girls. Am I still one? I'm a grown woman now. lol. but there's no such thing as woman talk, but there could be mum's talk. I'll do that when I'm one. hehe. So, there is this Girls talk I had, and seriously I found out that confronting can be comforting. Seriously, when I wanted to talk, I will find someone whom I trust, comforting and can listen very well. Friends are the best gift in the world. Dont hurt them, dont lose them and importantly dont forget their birthdays!!! lol. jk. I love making my friends happy, but it's hard to sometimes not to hurt them coz i have a bad mouth, lol, i will try hard tho. To all myfriends, I LOVE U GUYS, I'm really3x sorry if I hurt all of u, I didnt meant to, it really3x wasnt my intention. =) FRIENDS FOREVER!!!!

Emotional eating! ahahah

Damn it.... i am a true emotional eater...... cant help it not to eat..... i dunno.... iam just a pathetic girl, who tried to lose weigth and always failed....hoho... here's are some of my motivations Shape up Many people find themselves stuck on the weight-loss carousel. These people have been going around in circles on different diets and weight-loss programmes before returning to the same spot, losing time, energy, finances and their belief in exercise. You may be one of them. Very often all it takes is one look at a client's food diary and it soon becomes apparent where improvements can be made. The stumbling block to achieving the success you crave is simply that you don't care about it enough. People who care take action, and their video matches their audio. You cannot look great naked without changing your eating patterns or doing exercise. George Bernard Shaw said: "Doing what needs to be done may not make you happy, but it will make you great." Commitment

I appreciate food!!!

I dont know whether this is a good thing or not.. i presume it is. lol so, I recently discover that my passion towards food, like preparing them, admiring the taste and also enjoying the moment while eating it has improved since I have been start detoxing myself for about a week. not fully but kinda partially. I felt that, whenever I ate any kind of food be it coffee, wheat cracker, or piece of scone, it feels like the taste are extrapolate inside my tounge. i dont really confirm that any of this true, or it is juz my appetite during winter has gone up or am i fantasizing things. but, sincerely, this is how I feel. I am really happy that I can enjoy food and still lead a healthy lifestyle. Feeling guilty once or twice is normal. But when it comes to the sense where you consistently feeling guilty after having a meal, u should recheck what is going on with yourself! lastly, take care during this winter season. Be cautious and avoid accident. lol. this is a reminder to myself actually. h


true!! A friend with a repetitive stocks of jokes! but still, they are just ever green! it's like, the joke never fades. cool huh. me no joker. juz crazy i think. and not in a good way. lol. and the most pathetic thing is that i also laugh at my own joke. damn pathetic. lol. yeah sometimes i use to be a laughing stock as well coz of my stupidity, ignorance or even craziness. but most of the time it is stupidity that allow others to make fun of me. laughing release endorphins too. the happy hormone. what makes me happy are the things that doesnt makes me sad. as easy as that. keeping everything non-stressful in't hard. compose and firm and dont let yourself fall. be Happy!!!!!!