Happy Feet

I considered my life as a fun business, and that is what others thought so too....
well, this would be my first story then,
this started during my forth homeless airport experience ( this is a funny experience too but m gonna leave it out for the next post). Me n my fellow friends cum housemates were on our way back home to not so sweet home DUBLINIA. I called this purposely coz I am getting sick of living away from my really3 home sweet home, Malaysia. But for the pleasure of being happy and fun, I can call everywhere as sweeeeeeet as honey in a jar bought from ALDI (cheapskate)haha. Our journey back to Dublin was really3 tough,

first misfortuned encountered is 'carrying heavy luggage'. It is not like it isnt our fault that it is super damn Heavy, well take this, 16.4 kilos of wheeled baggage with 15 kilos of hand luggage with with newly bought items from my previous trips to places including the recent BOXING day items!!!!! uhuh...and guess what, I was the winner (which I niminated myself) for the heaviest luggage..... thought so....

2nd unlucky event: we all have to carry all this heavy stuff to the bus stop where they would take us to the airport (Stansted Airport). we took easybus, which is suppose to be easy to find pick up location, but turned out that we have to walk about few blocks until we met the exact location which is after googling thru iphone (hahah, promoting mode)handy enuff. And then, while there is a lill shower above us we have to walk that far and missed the bus that we saw from far. but luckily the next one was only a few minutes after. yeay! not so unlucky after all.LOL

Thirdly, not so unfortunate i supposed: considering it's my forth, we slept in the cold airport of Stansted accompanied by around hundreds more flyers like us (guess they all have a nice shopping too) hoho...

n last but not least, at about 3 plus2 am that same morning I was queieng for checking in and I have to wihdraw some item before checking in my luggage and increase my hand luggage!!!! bummer!!! my arms are just meant for heavy carriage huh???? yeah rite!!!! before that, while queung for check in, there is a couple behind me who was chitchatting happily about going home, getting on a flight and bla bla bla..... they were so happy like on cloud 9 or something and keep repeating the same phrase over and over again of 'HAPPY FEET' ... cute, aint it?.... and while i was rearranging my withdrawing stuff, the next thing i know is that they were doing the same thing too!!! n guess what, they look nothing like HAPPY FEET..... lOl.....


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