family first!!!!!

in our heart, Allah n Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam has always come first......

among ourselves, family should always be ahead of us undeniably...... well, sometimes it's easier said than done......

since m away from them, my friends has become apart of my family.....n now i have a big family!!!!

how about bf n gf? m single, so m not abide to them...... bt who should come first? friends vs bf/gf?

hahahahha....... m not gonna say anything..... as long as u do the right things in the right way, there is no one that is going to judge you!!!!! u dont live in this world alone...... now m gonna hate the phrase i dont give a damn or i dont care, bt instead, I DO GIV A DAMN n I DO CARE!!!!!!! insyaƔllah


  1. wani..rindu windy lg ke??hahaa

  2. huh????? xder ah......akoo aware kat surrounding....dorg tuh akoo x nampak dah...... xkesah pon...blk mesia nanti jek!!!


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