If u want it, u have to work for it!!!!

Things doesnt fall from the sky like in movies...... remember cloudy with a chance of meatballs?...... i love that one... kinda childish and dreamy to be thinking of that would be happening...lol.... so, here is my wish list..
- nak qiamullail...
- nak kurus
- nak jadi baik
- nak kawen ngan FAHRIN AHMAD..... bt this one is totally a mere dream.....

tips of the day:
Nabi s.a.w ditanya tentang amalan yg paling disukai oleh Allah. maka Baginda menjawab:
"Amalan yang paling kekal walaupun ianya sedikit." (Hadis sahih riwayat Bukhari no 6096 dan Muslim No 783)


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