
Showing posts from 2019


It is not always perfect on the other side. I always observed how happy a couple walking the street and feels like it's a happy ending. But I would never know what is happening behind those smiles, the holding hands and the laughter in between conversations. I have been imagining my life is as perfect as that. What I didn't know is that the future is Allah to hold and nothing in our hands could change that. Growing up has been a lot of ups and downs. It starts when you are rearranging your life and choosing your career path. The career that would make more money or the one that would make your life contented. Whether you are going to climb the stairs uphill or in a lower gradient. You are still not sure what the future holds, but this decision will determine what lies ahead. It is always convenient to be clear of the decision and the consequences.  When I was so little, I am thankful enough that my parents always bring me close to Allah. I can always depend on Him on an

Sneaky me 2007

Lets go back to 2007, yeah… I was only 20 at that time. So young, naive (ugh not reallly) and free. I know what I am capable of at this time I suppose. I traveled overseas without my parents for the first time. I am only with my friends. I have to deal with life far away from my own hometown, family, friends and culture. I always have that feelings when I am in a new place that “YES, NOW I CAN START FRESH’. Well rest assured, I am the same old m e doing the same thing over and over again. #demit I am so grateful that I have seniors whom picked us up at the airport and send us to our hostel. Help us out buying our necessities. Yeah, those are the days. They guide us spiritually and even brings us to our first europe tour. So, there we are, our first winter retreat. Listen to usrah from the seniors. I still remember we were in Leicester (my dad use to study here) at that time  (I went through the photos back and it was in Loughborough) . I met few friends including ex - classmate fr

Hey I'm back

I would like to contribute this page/ blog to my children whom going to know how to read soon. So that, they would know mummy better. And to date, my life has changed a lot this past 10 years. Graduated as a doctor. Started working. Got married. Had 2 cute babies. And now I am still struggling. Have had to take Master to pursue my carrier as a physician. That is a brief about what had happened since this blog has 'bersawang'. My travelling habit haven't died off since I graduated and left Ireland. Well, they say old habit die hard. That is what I am now and forever. It is not too late to reminisce my old travel photos and telling my old travel stories. I am not that old  tho. The memories may seems a lil bit blurry. But the photos clearly did not say the same thing. My motto of travel is always, a step, a thousand photos. (Setapak seribu gambar). Therefore, I will go thru back my old photos to write a story here. Just bare with me. With this current hectic life of mine,