
Showing posts from March, 2011

it savvy????

in my dreams..... after owned a cute iphone, I think I consider myself IT savvy already!!!! hahahaha.... perasan!!!!! after this, m dreaming of buying myself a macbook air!!!! yahooo.... berangan!!!!!! this is me....suker makan, berangan and sopinggggg......wakakkakakak,...... nak exam gp nih tp satu haper x hengat...dhlaaa cm susah....fatin kater hafal jek....JEK? easy to say, but hard to do....uwaaaaa....... budus laaaaa after restore my iphone, sumer bender ilang! nak jb nyer pasal.... xper laaaa redha jek...wish me luck on my exam......tata

mad at myself.....

it is hard..... I should accept the fact that m studying medicine.... this is my future, m gonna graduate and face the ppl that r sick n treat them well... Ya Allah, give me courage, faith and determination so that I wont have any stupid thoughts about my life being difficult.... m not a QUITTER although tsunami is in front of me...... face it or lose everything you've been working for all this while...... all or nothing effect! haha..... tawww takottttt.......uwaaaaaaa......

from NATO to ATMA!

it is not the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.... but instead, it is the acronym for my condition right now... which is, No action Talk only and also, No action Thoughts only! I had NATO like all the time since forever! I had been talking about losing weight and healthy lifestyle but still keep on doing the opposite. And then there is this homeworks and then this and that... LOL.. nak tepon mama!!!!!!!! I wish I could walk the talk/thoughts but it seems, m juz another human with lots of talk and thoughts that is soOn to be fulfilled!!!!!! This is me again doing my thing with procrastination..... why is this world so cruel to let me watch all the movies I watched, eat all the food I ate and sleep as long as I want???? why not, the world lead me to the kindness of finishing all my assignments, exercising regularly and pray as early as possible. hmmmmm..... this is yet again my own sweet sweet!!!!!!! ?I supposed a new term should be used which I will call, ATMA not a

F with being nice!!!!

You know when you r nice, ppl will try to take advantage of u... but also by being evil ppl will hate you.. no matter what you are, ppl ard u will always b judgemental..... in short, I AM ONE OF THAT JUDGEMENTAL person!!!!!!! very much actually...... whatever it is, I know being nice, humble and kind is what ppl will expect from each and everyone of us.... but what the hell, the world is full of crap, evil and hatred, and so let it be..... I myself am gonnabe that kinnda world it is now, a crap, evil and hater!!!!!wakakkakakaka....... evilicious is the new nice! welcome miss EVIL!!!! bye2 miss

two opposite ends

I call myself extremist! coz when watching movies, u know what I like? it's either thriller, action or comedy, romance. Aww that sounds like all kinda movies. well, but unless it's thrill enough, I wont take it down and also if it's not funny enough it wont gimme a crack! M gonna make a good record of this month for the most movie watch of the year! hahahah..... believe me, lemme list them all..... toy story (all), the incredibles, megamind, unstoppable 2011, takers 2011... the list goes on and on...... when it comes to temperatures, when there is a slight drop of temp, I can get really2 cold and the slight increase of temp I could get really3 hot!!!!! I AM ONE PERSON THAT IS HARD TO PLEASED!!!!! whatever man..... m living my life..... n now iknow what syndrome i own now, ied, Intermittent explosive disorder!!!!!LOL

Viral infection prognosis

I was a very sick child back then. I was diagnosed with asthma at nine year old, got a fever about three times a year and several occasion of tummy pain. But inspite all that, my family and especially my dad always tease me that I dont look sick at all. Yeah of coz, my mouth never stop talkung and as chatty as it use to be. That helps keeps the pain away. And then there was always mummy to nurse me all the way thru my needs. And then there was high school@ secondary school, still I was always a sick teenagers. No more mummy, bt there r friends to look after me. Back in Beseri, whenever I caught a fever, we always stay with each other and gossip all night to keep my fever away and end up everyome else got infected!! Haha. Poor thing... Now, since last year I decided to put this fever thing to an end by taking preventative measures! I actually been taking vit c n other supplmnts to boost up my immunity. It works it some ways i think. But last week I missed them a few days and there was

watching this!

Over and over again.... gonnabe cool!!!! super cool....ahahaha 90210 season 3 ep17 26:03 to 28:39 naomi falling in love with a nerd? like seriously... i love naomi.... josh Zuckerman@max for reallll!!!! ahahah.....getting too involved with tele is my thing!!!!!hohoho i really like you part !!!

when I say m sorry...

doesnt mean I really mean it... sometimes, m really3 sorry most of the times, it is juz for courtesy!! n to you, it means, I'm done!