
Showing posts from December, 2010

Happy Feet

I considered my life as a fun business, and that is what others thought so too.... well, this would be my first story then, this started during my forth homeless airport experience ( this is a funny experience too but m gonna leave it out for the next post). Me n my fellow friends cum housemates were on our way back home to not so sweet home DUBLINIA. I called this purposely coz I am getting sick of living away from my really3 home sweet home, Malaysia. But for the pleasure of being happy and fun, I can call everywhere as sweeeeeeet as honey in a jar bought from ALDI (cheapskate)haha. Our journey back to Dublin was really3 tough, first misfortuned encountered is 'carrying heavy luggage'. It is not like it isnt our fault that it is super damn Heavy, well take this, 16.4 kilos of wheeled baggage with 15 kilos of hand luggage with with newly bought items from my previous trips to places including the recent BOXING day items!!!!! uhuh...and guess what, I was the winner (which I nim

i deleted you...

hahahaha.... ok, i like deleting ppl phone numbers when I dont want to bother them anymore!!!! HAHAHAHA..... weird i think it;s typical... but previously, (BEFORE i have iPhone) m use to be good with numbers, n so i memorized the numbers before i stupidly delete Intan knows this n she laugh about it....ahahah..... i laughed too!!!!it's funny tho.... n now, after my iphone era, i deleted them without memorizing them... n so, it is permanently deleted....served me right!!!!! UHUH...... go away technology..... uve made me confused...ahax

bubbly but not bitchy..

Hehe... Life has never been better without shopping!!! Currently just finished with boxing day shopping!!!! Now back to business with medicine... Uhuh. But it has been alot of fun, pics and laughterrrr... Not to forget as well some heavy luggage carrying!!!! Lol, only for a short while tho.... Back to the above topic, actually it is about being a bubbly girl... My sis called me bubbly n i thought that that word means i am some kind of an annoying intolerable attitude bitch!! Haha. After googling, it turnd out that the meaning is, adjective 1. lively, happy, excited, animated, merry, bouncy, elated, sparky, alive and kicking, full of beans (informal) a bubbly girl who likes to laugh N ive been mistaken for what my sis had told me. N of coz i denied her confidently!!! What a bitch i am. Sorry sissy i juz have the worst vocab tho. Haha. So the thing is, i should listen first n agree with ppl more. Ahax, glad to be bubbly than a bitch!!!! ;)

Not me

There is more to life than myself!!!!! Others are important too!!! Trust this, if u care bout others, others will care bout u.... ;)

I wanna keep moving on n dont wanna breakdown.

Mummy n sissy r here. Ok antm with belly time plz.

My new friends!!!!

Meet my new friends.... Pakiza, the elder one Top N bottom, mimi, the younger sister.... They love meeee... ( by disturbing me i suppose) hehe, i dont mind that much... Xoxo lil munchikins

Day 1 and 2 in Istanbul ;)

Writing this from my lovely iphone..... My friend n enemy, my frenemy iphone.. ;) So, as i landed safely in this muslim country, i already expected that my beg would be lost somewhere... It is so predictable, due to the fact that the airlines had a hassle of looking to get a flite at the first place after been cancelled earlier. I can only b patient coz that is the best thing to do as no one would understand me!!! Be it the german nor turkish. Huh!! Take that! The first time I enjoyed not to talk. LOL. I was so tired after hours and hours lingering around frankfurt airport, in n out the toilet, food store and back n forth the info counter.... Fun times i would say....but hell, they gave 20 euro food voucher, n i ate alot... Hehe So, my aunt picked me up at the airport, poor her, she had been waiting for hours at the airport for poor me...m juz a pain in the ass...m do thankful that she was there or else i will be the mossssssst miserable person on earth, the ppl who was on the same f

M juz not lucky enuff, but m glad that m safe

I wamnago to cairo with transit thru frankfurt n istanbul, but then, snow storm in frankfurt delayed my flite, n now m in istanbul, n i think m also cancelling my flite to cairo, so i will only be spending the rest of holidays in ISTANBUL. Unfortunate for me, i lost my bag somewhere in frankfurt, n now need some shopping in istanbul, hehe

the likes and dislikes!!!!!

As M suppose to be an optimistic gal, lets look at the bright side; Liking; going to meet n hav fun with my sis n mum in 3 days time, yeay!!!!! I will be leaving boring Dublin!!!!! double yeay!!!!! I'm going to take a hell lot of good pics!!!!!! triple yeay!!!!! I will be enjoying good weather, good food n good companion, quad yeay!!!!!haha Disliking; I have to travel alone..... sigh~... I have carry big bag all the way in my tough journey...double sigh~ I will spend alot of cash....triple sigh~ There is going to be alot of roaming going on.....quad sigh~ no more with it...... m strong remember!!!!!=)

miserably miserable

I'm so restless yesterday, and i hope no today, i need to go to gym.... i need to tidy up the mess i made.... i need to plan my days ahead..... i hate myself right now coz everything seems not right.... i'm just thinking too much or juz being annoyed by my stupidity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhh........ hormonessssss go away n keep me steady plzzzzzzz............LOL...... keep it plain

Stop reading my blog!!!!

M gonna kill u. This thing is for my fmly to keep update bout myself. Lol

High compliance

three more to go Finished with a purpose....... I'm highly compliance with my food intake, supplement and sometimes exercise..... becozzzzz i like to be healthy, more to LOVE i think...... but, food intake is only focusing on the amount rather than the content..... not healthily i suppose..... some of my friends are compliance with studies, skin regime and also bf attached!!!! ahax.... well, this is mainly based from my observation..... i got another one...... catching with old friends!!!!!! LOL whatever you do, there is always a limit to it...... cheers and have fun has always been my best compliance of all!!!!! =)

Just saying....

Is there such thing as 'I'm just saying' ? Well, everything has a reason. And I'm writing this because I would always say this phrase as an excuse to get out from an argument. I can be really annoying and argumentative most of the time. My nature of behaviour. Duhhhhhhh. Cant help it peeps. =p LOL

hot and cold??!!!!

I can be both, try me....