
Showing posts from April, 2010

if it's not for determination......

remember......biar sedikit tp kekal...... Allah x suker gelojoh.....gelojoh itu sikap syaitan.... so wani..... alang-alang menyeluk pekasam, biar sampai ke pangkal lengan, alang-alang dah joging sampai masam, biarlah kurus tiada tandingan!! sikit lagi nk exam ....abes exam juper org mesia........ there's a long journey to go.... insya'allah semuanya penuh keberkatan...... ameeeeeennn haaaa..... kalau xmo pegi majlis ilmu or dgr tazkirah....bacer quran's a daily routine!!!! remember.....

Bday xati!

Luv u l0ts! X0x0 may allah bless u!

T0 mama !

F0r her tlc! Mwahx

jangan stress!!!!!

sambil makan.....bleh laaaaa dgr...... ubati stress pastuh tgk bgt....huhu

asking for help...doa'.....

alhamdulillah..... m still alive to be Allah's slave..... in seek of help listen to this while having a gap between studies... SUCCESS and KNOWLEDGE Juz now heard that alot of doa bt only with lil solat sunat is not comparable..... so alot of doa is suitable with alot of solat sunat...... Innallah ma'assabairin..... so.... lets Solat Sunat with kuhusyuk n tawadhu'...... insya'allah

serkap jarang.....

if this is translated into english by google translator it should be serkap rare !!!! hahahahh I thougth it was bil's ehem2 name.... but it turns out to be a name of one imam!!!!! check this out!!!!! Hani Arrifai p/s: i juz had the most full attendance class of the year..... revision session.... wat ppl care about is all about passing the md school.....pffftttt..... m exhausted...... ahax.....

oni yg comey......

Oni!!!!!!!!!!! rindu laaa kat korg sumer!!!!!!!! biler blk mesia tah?????ahax

family first!!!!!

in our heart, Allah n Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam has always come first...... among ourselves, family should always be ahead of us undeniably...... well, sometimes it's easier said than done...... since m away from them, my friends has become apart of my family.....n now i have a big family!!!! how about bf n gf? m single, so m not abide to them...... bt who should come first? friends vs bf/gf? hahahahha....... m not gonna say anything..... as long as u do the right things in the right way, there is no one that is going to judge you!!!!! u dont live in this world alone...... now m gonna hate the phrase i dont give a damn or i dont care, bt instead, I DO GIV A DAMN n I DO CARE!!!!!!! insyaállah


pharm!!!! Viva Voce/Practical Examination (20%) in May. This is also an opportunity to consider extenuating circumstances. The viva voce examination is structured, all students receive a Drug Kardex for comments and also are asked to deal with a medical emergency. Commonly students are also asked to comment on laboratory results, e.g. therapeutic drug monitoring, demonstrate how to use an inhaler, etc. At the viva-voce, each student is usually examined by two examiners, one of whom is an experienced clinician. Usually some 85-90% of the students pass the examination with the remainder asked to attend a supplemental examination using the same format (MCQ, SAQ, Essays, Viva) in September. nk kener practice!!!!!nnti kng kelu seribu bahser!!!!!hehe

L0l !?!

Based on recent and very detailed research studies, in terms of absolute fat burning, a moderate intensity workout burns the most fat. At a heart rate equal to about 75% of max, fat burning will approach 0.5 grams - 1.0 grams of fat per minute. There is a weight dependence with the lower end referring to a 100 pound individual and the upper end to a 200 pound person. As the duration continues (greater than 1 hour), fat burning can increase slightly (another 10%). At a mild intensity, the majority of calories expended (85 - 90%) are fat calories, but the absolute level is only about 60% of the moderate intensity. At high intensity levels, fat burning declines to a level of about 65% of the moderate pace, as sugar burning supplies the rest. The high rate of sugar burning exhausts the limited sugar supply in muscles and causes muscular failure. The only caveats for the above burn rates are that these numbers are derived from individuals who were already aerobically trained and were conduc

i got agitated easily.....

hahahah... wanna blame my gene for this kinda attitude?? nah.... m big enuff to think dat anger can be controlled...... n so, juz istighfar if anger get into u.... in surah ar-ra'du ayat 11: Allah tidak mengubah nasib sebuah kaum sehingga dia mengubah sesuatu dalam dirinya. n so, m potentially aware of the choice m making...... it's YOU....... u judge, n u face the consequences..... tawakal.....

0ur weekly meeting has become fortnightly meeting...=(

Luv u l0ts!


Sape2 yg kurg vit d, calcium n f0sfat jgn mkn chapati 0k!

muda sebelum tua.....

ustaz abu hassan din kater.... org muder nih gila...... ader hadis ckp cm2... tgk al-kuliyyah 5 feb nafsu vs akal ..... lawan2.... kalau tulis tajuk jek maknenyer sy x dpt isi dier ker? x kesah laaa....nk tulis tajuk jek.... was-was pastuh jihad....... kiter semua ader penyakit was2, it's juz dat to what extent kiter camtuh.... and then about jihad...... sy nk start jihad tok diri sy dulu...n then i can think of the big picture..... insya'allah.....allahuakbar!!!! nak share jogging pg2...... lpas tuh sy bacer pasal morning jog ....sonok gak........ lalalalaal kinda true in some sense....... k, study n stay healthy......yeay!!! dats da spirit!!!!!

we have to be strong!!!!

it is about BISIKAN SYAITAN... don't say go away syaitan..... bt instead, say bismillah or istighfar.... after dat it wud go away dont brag about urself..... with heart conquering ur mind u r safe, BE STRONG.......

If u want it, u have to work for it!!!!

Things doesnt fall from the sky like in movies...... remember cloudy with a chance of meatballs?...... i love that one... kinda childish and dreamy to be thinking of that would be so, here is my wish list.. - nak qiamullail... - nak kurus - nak jadi baik - nak kawen ngan FAHRIN AHMAD..... bt this one is totally a mere dream..... tips of the day: Nabi s.a.w ditanya tentang amalan yg paling disukai oleh Allah. maka Baginda menjawab: "Amalan yang paling kekal walaupun ianya sedikit." (Hadis sahih riwayat Bukhari no 6096 dan Muslim No 783)

mengamalkan sunnah......

satu hari buat satu....... 2 hari jadi 2....... hehe...... semoga hari esok lebih baik dari hari ini...... buat amalan sunat pon ok kalo x buat sunnah..... ok kawan2..... selamat beramal......

when u fall.......

huh!!!!!! when the going gets tough, the tough gets u going.... when stuff got tough.... u juz gotta go with the flow..... when failing is sailing........ u keep on moving on..... when motivation is sinking on........ get a grip, kick it!!!!! and when mood is not understood...... rise high up in the sky!!!! falling makes u stronger........ starts ur day with bismillah...... =)

Looking forward......

Winter holiday 2010.... Date and flights: 17-21- Cairo - 200 euro 21-25- Istanbul - 100 euro 25-27- London - 100 euro 27-29- Cardiff - 50 euro Accomodation: Cairo, istanbul and cardiff hopefully tumpang2......hehe..... and london is about 20 per nite, so total 40 euro..... Total roughly about: 600 euro includes inbound, outbound and accomodation!!!!!! lets travel guys!!!!

M s0 g0nna l0ve h0spital!

I've l0ng l00kng 4 ds n0tebo0k! N when i f0und it, i g0 n b0ught 5 of them!! Haha. C h0w m int0 writngs! Lalala. Watch 0ut pts, prepare t0 talk c0z i cnt wait t0 write! L0l

love eat, hate fat

these 2 things are the most contradict things in life..... it should goes like this.....

penunggu rumah bidadari~....

this is so like me weekend....... well, a holiday is not gonna be 1 without FUN, FUN and more FUN!!!!!!!!! This easter holiday is the happiest and also the most budget holiday ever!!!!! but still i managed to enjoy the rest of da weekend with an exaggerated happiness inspite the weather in DUBLIN... ahahhaha ...... i had the most relax time ever.... i did settled a lot of stuff tho..... i tidied my room n manage all procastinated belongings and possessions....... and now my zone is clear with unwanted things and unattended possessions......yeay...... we which means me and my house mates also hosted an indoor picnic!!!!!!!! we only invited a small circle of friends as there is only small circle of friends there are in DUBLIN as for now..... ahahahha.... it's not that the size that matter, it's the LOVE!!!! yeay...... and, we did all the eating, karaokeing, hindustani-dancing, korean-dancing, horror-and-stressful shutter island movie-time and EATING again....ahhaahah..... not to

buzz off~

yeay..... i'm going to lead a healthy lifestyle from now on!!!!!!! until who knows Healthy means: no junkie! no more fast food or frozen! daily exercise! yeay.... i hope this will last longer than the other diet that i have been through...ahahahhah now fatness.... u can buzz i wanna b like this .....ahax