it has been more than a week....

owh well....... there is nothing to be updated about coz things changes and eventually get back to the way it is...... for instance, lets say,
1. my ** contacted me after i sulking for not texting me bout a month or so n then after that, he text me every single day...... this will soon gradually come back to not texting mode again.... and like, AS IF I CARE.... n of coz the sulking was a damn fake 1....hehe
2. as m a flirtatious girl, i cant help but not to ignore some1 who'd been nice to me..... i can be as gedik as i could......ahahaha.... AND most importantly, this feelings/attitude wont stay for long, it will be then nothing but a history of sweet momento....... yeay, at least m happy for now!!!!
3. being hardworking n stress bout exam will soon be over after exam is ending!!!!!!
4. eating n alot n being exercising alot....... n not maintaining.......
there you go..... a bit of my cycle of life..... cherish n thankful every second in ur life....xoxo


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