There's always a hard and fast rules in relationship. one must not missed or disobey this or it's not a 'ship at all. if you google this, there will be pages and thousands of webs writing bout this. be it forum or blogs. well, as for me, I kinda have my own opinion on this. I want my bf to: at least once a week 2.texting is not mandatory 3.dont ever forget my birthday are optional 5.know at least one of my stupid hobbies. that's not hard... see m not demanding at all.... haha.... lol..... i kinda made this up since I have a teman tp mesra whom always stick ard tho i ignored dozen times ardy.... well, tough love hard to come by...... still, no strings attached has always been my thing..... keeping myself available until m not is my lifestyle atm...... cheers!!!!