
Showing posts from October, 2010

it's juz gonnabe us..... for the rest of this season....

hahahaha....... holiday? halloween?....exam stress???.... n also party???? n there it goes, it's juz gonnabe US... me, Nisya, Ummi, Yasmin, Aimi, Sarah, Azy, Ayu, Aten, Apan, Banang, Hariz...and anyone else that care to join r welcome.....ahax......well....we r going to survive this tho..... ahax..... having fun n be patient as well as loving.....hoho...... ok then.... happy halloween.....hoohoo


"Looking at a wider perspective, or global I would say", ....ahahhaah..... wateva.... well, m beginning a new era of looking good, be a good muslimah and study hard!!!!! this is so crucial coz m not a baby girl anymore..... i've to struggle hard for this, coz this aint gonna b an easy task........ lol.... this one is the looking good part.....achieved n need maintenance......haha

it has been more than a week....

owh well....... there is nothing to be updated about coz things changes and eventually get back to the way it is...... for instance, lets say, 1. my ** contacted me after i sulking for not texting me bout a month or so n then after that, he text me every single day...... this will soon gradually come back to not texting mode again.... and like, AS IF I CARE.... n of coz the sulking was a damn fake 1....hehe 2. as m a flirtatious girl, i cant help but not to ignore some1 who'd been nice to me..... i can be as gedik as i could......ahahaha.... AND most importantly, this feelings/attitude wont stay for long, it will be then nothing but a history of sweet momento....... yeay, at least m happy for now!!!! 3. being hardworking n stress bout exam will soon be over after exam is ending!!!!!! 4. eating n alot n being exercising alot....... n not maintaining....... there you go..... a bit of my cycle of life..... cherish n thankful every second in ur life....xoxo

I got some issues.....

who doesn't????? first issue.... food..... can't stop eating....ahahaah..... second, money... can't stop spending.......uhuh....... next, reading.....never reads.......demittttttt!!!!!!!!! m being sooooooo negative!!!!!!!!! WAKE UPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!

I am not most people......

yeah, u heard me.... I am NOT most people, so dont MESS with me...... things are getting so tensed today. Regarding our so-called halal delivery man, class and also assignments. I can put aside the class and assignments stuff if it would only involve works and just more works. But now, it involved feelings, pride and honor. It is not like I care a lot about that, but when you starts making things that annoyed me, u just dont realise who/what u r dealing with. MAYBE and there is also a high chance that u reached my threshold level OR I had already decrease my level of threshold. I dont know, this things dont have an explanation. maybe things just add up. hey, I'm the one who's doing the exercise, I should get this thing sorted, apparently, no touchy-feely. Well, that is the thing, LIMIT. everything has its own limit. So, the moral is, be aware of your surroundings, dont go overboard. k, chillax time peeps..... enjoy weekend....dont get so stressed up...... xoxo

endorphine day....

i feel like i had took drug bcoz i was damn hyper today....... i dunno whether it's the coffee i had this morning or what???? it's juz dat i cant stop talking n being happy all day long...... lol..... gonna end today with gym tho....yeay....another happy momments...... not gonna be grumpy.....cheers.... btw...selamat berbuker aimi!!!!! hehe

i'm soooooo in love........

we think we should get married....... me n my super cool iphone 4...... ahaahhaah...... love at first sight with iphone since my friends all bought an iphone and then my classmates who has iphone were using them wisely in front of me..... and so wuttaheck...... i should have one of those.....ahahahaha...... well, now, since has the offer that suits da-broke-me, i decided to get one...... it's not dat cheap n not too expensive....... so and so..... i received my iphone 4 on the 5th of oct n dats when our love story begins....... hope this will last long my-lovely-cute iphone4!!!!!!! xoxo


m getting impatient with things that is getting around unsettled!!!!!! slow internet....n slow getting fixed..... where da heck is my magic number???? group project thing is just dust in the wind at the momment...... i cant stop myself from munching whereas i should shed off more fat!!!!! shot of money.....which is not a current problem.....hahahahah well..... enuff fretting bout problems.....there is just the thing that makes me happy...... my fren SARAH@SARUN is finally free from guilt....... hehe.... waytogo gal......ALHAMDULILLAH....

boxingday aftermath...

PORTUGAL TRIP.... current search that i've found so far.... flights: London-Porto , easyjet:27/12: 11.55-14.15 - 63 euro porto-faro: bus/train: 30 euro faro-Dublin: ryanair:31/12: 06.30-09.10- 65 euro accomodation: 27-29/12: 25euro for 2 nights in Porto - apartment casa da taipas 22euro for 2 nights in Faro - faro youth hostel total : 200++ euro..... gi Morocco mahal laaa flite..... hoho

slow and steady win the race.....

if you're damn slow, don't even dream of winning, u won't even get to finish the race.... huhu.... keep it up wanie!!!!!!!