
Showing posts from August, 2011

some ppl

hey u.... it is not that what u were saying are wrong in any way... could u juz for a sec consider others feelings..... be considerate when u were talking about something coz u might never know what worse to come in ur life.... i know i should manage my part too.... but for the record mind your own business before u mind others..... busy body betul laaaa manusia zmn skarang nih..... sebokkkkkkkkkkkkk laaa makcik, sy x pnh kacau makcik, makcik xyah kacau sy!!!!!!!!!!!

dealing with uncertainty...

my sis says that i should solat istikharah if i am facing and dealing with uncertainty.. i know I should come back to Allah in performing solat is a way to talk to HIM.. I will do it.... pray for my success and happiness...cheers...


So many things has changed so far... - my sis r married - ppl r getting married - I shop alot for tudung - I already bought flight tix for next year graduation - I wanted to save money but nearly failed - I have to plan for next year summer holiday - I am about to finish my electives..... so far my holidays is so packed and I have no rest at all....