
Showing posts from June, 2010


Winter 10’ holiday trip..... Dublin- Cairo- Istanbul – London- Cardiff Hazwani’s itinerary Dublin-frankfurt= aerlingus,16Dec,0700-1000= 44 euro Frankfurt- Istanbul = Condor, 16Dec, 1500-1855 = 57 euro Istanbul – Cairo (return) = Turkish airways = 17Dec, 1030- 1245 and 21 Dec, 1550-1800 = 224 euro Istanbul- London = Pegasus= 25 Dec, 1020-1210= 60 euro London- Cardiff= car/public= around 20 euro Bristol- Dublin = ryanair= 29Dec, 1525-1625= ard 20 euro (x bli lagi) Total= ard 425 euro akoo dah bli sumer tix except for ryanair jek...hoho Ummi’s (suggested) itinerary.... Dublin- London(std) = ryanair = ard 20 euro, 21 dec, 0810-0925 London(std)-Istanbul (return) = pegasus = 21Dec, 1250-1825 and 25Dec, 1020-1210 = 218euro London- Cardiff= car/public= around 20 euro Bristol- Dublin = ryanair= 29Dec, 1525-1625= ard 20 euro (x bli lagi) Total= ard 280 euro Nisya's (suggested) itinerary....(ko g carik org nak g spain....akoo suggest ko g madrid jek weh... ko leh laaaa nk g maner2 pon dr lond

cuti2 adventure di hutan......hoyeah!!!!!

cuti kali nih dah xder pantai nak pegi...... so i decided too stay in land in the jungley..... jd mogli ramai2......ahax.... so here it goes..... (attachment from the person I emailed) Hi there Alia, Thank you for your enquiry. The price per person is RM 290 inclusive of:- 1. White Water Rafting 2. Waterfall Abseiling 3. Caving exploration 4. Camping Please take note that the price is inclusive of:- a) Equipment b) Guides c) Insurance d) Entrance fee e) Transfers within activity area f) White Water Rafting certificate g) Meals: Lunch X 1, Packed refreshment X 2 Should you require Breakfast + Dinner, additional charges of RM 50 is applicable. <----xyah laa kot..sindri sudey Thank you and looking forward for your reply. Cheers, itinerary : 21/7- arrived in penang- jalan2 carik makan 22/7- jalan2 penang 23/7- jalan2 penang 24/7 - gerak pegi gopeng n overnite.... 24

ice blended green tea!!!

i love green tea effect...... good antioxidant, laxative and has bowel cleansing effect too..... this is from my experience and from this article ! i always call myself health concious, coz i most of the times i wud juz ate wateva i like..... bt summer time is always a diet period for me..... mwahahahah...... and so i drank this miracle green tea..... i wud drink it in any form, from regular tea, manufactured ice lemon green tea and also ice blended green tea dat i usually buy from jco, secret recipe and one time at israel starbucks...haha... n i found dat the best is the ice blended green tea!!!!!! i tried to find the packet they use to made them but failed n thus i tried to make my own n came up with this recipe n it works!!!!! things u must have: 2 green tea bag 4 full table spoon of coffe mate 2 full table spoon of msian sugar (which is sweeter than irish!!!) 1 full bar of ice half cup hot water a bit of green colouring (not a must, as mom said, psychological effect) blend

dah lamer x dgr tazkirah.....

hehe... kat sini dah ader tv pon xnk dgr....ahax..... kalo nk dijadikan alasan, sy xsker tgk tv.... n it's kinda true....... n i have to follow their schedule.....which makes me sick.... today is friday, might s well zikir byk2...... maner taw mati least ingat Allah..... things to do; beli buku kat kamal, beli ink printer, beli barang rumah ireland, call hospital atachment. hehe....... gotta keep things on track..... dont lose grip wani......

mari beli buku fourth year!!!!!

euglena204: buku sunflower paeds\impey obs n gynae\ buku illustrated colour of general practice\ euglena204: psychiatric oxford euglena204: psych tu..ramai org guna at a glance euglena204: tp itu hanya berguna time rotation je euglena204: tp klu nak jawab mcq paeds nnt, jwpn seme dalam oxford Ismail Hazwani: kak mimmi bli due2 ker? euglena204: a a euglena204: pastu kan.. euglena204: paeds tu... text book kirenye buku sunflower, tp klu nak jawab mcq tu, kite guna paeds in a page dan juga pass exam for mrcp euglena204: tu buku extra yg org beli kat dublin euglena204: try la cr kat kamal..kot2 lg murah euglena204: at a glance psyvh tu cam opthal euglena204: yg wajib tu sunflower..yg lain tu extra euglena204: bleh pinjam kat libry..or beli kt sini euglena204: sbb k mimi guna je 3 buku tu Ismail Hazwani: utk final berguna jugak laaa kn? euglena204: gp tu==beli buku yg tom o dowwd tu je tau euglena204: sbb die lecturer kite Ismail Hazwani: ooooo...ok2

kesah kapes n kre....

lol nyer mamat 2 ekor nih...... due2 bgn lmbat tgk bola....... pas2 akoo gak sensorg dok umah jadik bibik..... ahaxx..... sok harap2 jadik laaaa kuar...... seb bek ader kapes, leh tolong amek gwe...hehe..... sy mmg super buntu nih, hp xder cdt, fb lak stuck!!!!! ahax...... now final destination, berangan!!!!! ahax..... tp still got unsettled things...... kemas bilik n pos barang!!!!!!! ok, ptg nih kener bacer chemistry plak for amir SPM!!!!! chaiyok wani, this is the commitment u r bound too, be a good gal n dun let life expectations makes u fall!!!!!!! ahax.... =) kpd stalker akoo di stockholm....nice 1..... akoo tetiber ader visitor dr stockholm.....hahahahhah seriesly miss u guys....xooox

now i know why.....

life teach n taught me bout lots of things.... now i knew y ppl.... are so lazy, hardworking, selfish, kind, materialistic, self-centered, annoying, disturbing, shopaholic, religious, stingy, poor, rich, ........ u know what...... i've been there, trust me, we r all the same, despite the brain, age, race n gender we are........ we r human, we act like 1..... we r not god, n so we obey to Allah....... insya'Allah...... we try to be the best, n should be the best....ameeen.....

And so I'm HOME....

this is what I like bout home....... It is nothing like like IRELAND, which is my 2nd home.... dahlaaaa skang nih hyperthermia...... pas2 asek tdo jek kejer... makan x benti2 lak gels kot..wwawawawawa.... gotta start doing some work......uwaaaaa... no more sleep n eat.......


aiceh........ nih mcm dah abes exam jek nih......... nak kat 3 bulan dah kot asek exam jek..... naek fedup dah gak


hari nih akoo masak ayam rempah sri mutiara sambal sayur akoo jadi masam manis puler....... tp nasi lemak akoo orite jek laaaa....... lagi 4 hari akoo nk balik rumah, beg dah pek, sumer dh cukup insya'Allah....... semoga semua nya berjalan lancar....... mulai hari nih n in da future, qunut nazilah akoo nak hafal n setiap kali solat akoo kener bacer...... pas2 per lagi ek..... haaa..... cdt skype dah abes, nak kener topup, nak call mama laaaaa......... harinih gak kene wat intensive clinical skill n osce stdy...... nak kener pegi beli groceries gak japgi ngan aimi......ok nak wat bender len....tata


every action has a reaction...... 3rd newton law woot.......physics mode?>??? nop. what is ur reaction when someone praise u? - Paul's reaction when an old lady says he's so blessed and talented, and yet handsome, n he juz head nod down, shook his head n say u (myself) should say that to me. (not that old lady juz now....haha) - when I got a correct answer when was asked by prof timon, i juz head nod down, and a neutral smile,dalam hati, alhamdulillah n pray, jauhkanlah akoo dr sifat riak..... pergh...... x wat pon camnih, tp sepatotnyer laaaa...hoho enuff said...... nak tido laaaa.....

one more week.....

nak balik dah..... hari nih plg penat!!!!!!!! nak practise, bacer lagi!!!!!! lol ok wani..... minum coffe byk2...... doa byk2...... practise byk2.... insya'Allah....chaiyok kawan2 trinity!!!!!

angot bising....hoho


Ent day

tadi ramai sgt bersama en. kacak, maka saya disisihkan, oleh itu, harus ke OPD esok bertemunya!!!!!!yeay~ korek hints untuk final nanti....hoho

dalam proses.....

ent surgeon in the making....... lol in the process of nailing....... Otitis Media Epistaxis Tonsilitis Head and neck masses????? done with, fb stalking, writing blog and dreaming of going back home.......wawawawawaa

Blk umah m0de!


from mama...


AL-AQSA.... yahudi

m not good with history... but still m still in the process of learning... AL AQSA Al-Isra' (1) INTRO Ustaz Bad Masjid Al-Aqsa, Palestin. diberikan keberkatan di kelilingnya. Saudara di Palestin, bumi yang diberkati, lebih dari sekali di sebut dalam Al-Quran tentang ianya bumi yang diberkati, Allah mengumpamakan tempat Nabi Sulaiman lahir sesuatu bumi yang diberkati. Bumi palestin diberikan keberkatan dan kemuliaan dikatakan dalam al-quran. 1. Ianya mulia kerana al-quran mencatakan lebih 50 org Nabi2 Allah dilahirkan, dibesarkan dan disemadikan di Palestin. Nabi Muhammad pernah singgah ketika Israk dan Mikraj. Nabi Yushak menjadikan tempat perjuangan. 2. peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj, solat telah diturunksn 3. tempat istimewa di hati kita ada masjid al-aqsa, kiblat pertama, 3 masjid yg dimuliakan, konflik di Palestin, Isu ini, al-aqsa jarang di ketengahkan, kerana yaudi ingin Al-aqsa diganti dengan haikal Sulaiman Dato' Serangan yang berlaku di Palestin, berlaku pada awal muharr

Through the rain...

When you get caught in the rain with nowhere to run When you're distraught and in pain without anyone When you keep crying out to be saved but nobody comes And you feel so far away that you just can't find your way home You can get there alone Its ok, won't you say I can make it through the rain I can stand up once again on my own and I know that Im strong enough to mend And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith and I live one more day and I make it through the rain Hooohooo uuh uuh uuuhmmh huu And if you keep falling down, don't you dare give in You will arise safe and sound, so keep pressing on steadfastly and you'll find what you need to prevail Won't you say I can make it through the rain I can stand up once again on my own and I know that Im strong enough to mend And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith and I live one more day and I make it through the rain And when the wind blows And shadows grow close Don't be afraid There

I do....

hehe....nak ader rumah sendiri...... bilik nk kener besar camnih ok!!!!!!

ISLAM the perfect DIN

Islam came to protect 5 things Religion, Soul, Mind, Family and Properties.

semoga roh ayahanda INTAN AMIRA dicucuri rahmat...

Al-fatihah kepada allahyarham Mohd. Nordin, bapa kepada INTAN AMIRA yang telah pulang ke rahmatullah ..... I got the news from her text...... no more than that...she's my besties.... should be there for her.... ='( .... friends please pray for her....... tnx everyone... INTAN be strong......

bukan sbb ko baik or jahat....

ak x kesah la bapak ko kejer aper.... ak x kesah la ko stdy aper... ak x kesah la ko kayer ker miskin ker... ak x kesah la ko cun/ensem or x ker... ak x kesah la ko baik or jahat ker... camner busuk pon ko, kalo ko KAWAN ak, korang ak doa sampai berjaya..... amiiin


Kali ni nekad. N0 m0re skirt wani. If Allah cn gv u what u want, i sh0uld d0 da same. Ceit, dah pass bru nk insap. Chaiy0k! Bru ade BERKAT. if tinggal skirt dapat baju bes....yeay....bleh shopping....ahax